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942  THE KINGDOM — Its Inner Reign

1. God's Kingdom on the earth is now
  His sovereign government within;
  'Tis Christ Himself in us to live
  As Lord and King to rule and reign.
2. His life with His authority
  Enthrones Him now within our hearts
  To govern all our words and deeds
  And regulate our inward parts.
3. The Lord enthroned within our hearts
  His Kingdom doth establish there,
  Assuring His full right to reign
  And for God's purpose to prepare.
4. 'Tis by His reign within our hearts
  That life to us He e'er supplies;
  When taking Him as Lord and King,
  His wealth our being satisfies.
5. 'Tis by His ruling from within
  His fulness vast is testified;
  'Tis when His inner kingdom rules
  His Body's blessed and edified.
6. 'Tis by His heav'nly rule within
  As heav'nly citizens we live;
  'Tis by submission to His rule
  Expression of His reign we give.
7. Here in this heav'nly realm we live,
  And with this heav'nly pow'r possessed
  We walk and fight in heav'nly light
  Until the Kingdom's manifest.