1. Whene'er we meet with Christ endued, The surplus of His plentitude We offer unto God as food, And thus exhibit Christ. (Chorus:) Let us exhibit Christ, Let us exhibit Christ; We'll bring His surplus to the church And thus exhibit Christ. 2. In Christ we live, by Christ we fight, On Christ we labor day and night, And with His surplus we unite To thus exhibit Christ. 3. Our life and all we are and do Is Christ Himself, the substance true, That every time we meet anew We may exhibit Christ. (Chorus:) Let us exhibit Christ, Let us exhibit Christ; We'll bring His surplus to the church And thus exhibit Christ. 4. In meetings Christ to God we bear And Christ with one another share, And Christ with God enjoying there, We thus exhibit Christ. 5. The risen Christ to God we bring, And Christ ascended offering, God's satisfaction answering, We thus exhibit Christ. (Chorus:) Let us exhibit Christ, Let us exhibit Christ; We'll bring His surplus to the church And thus exhibit Christ. 6. The center and reality, The atmosphere and ministry, Of all our meetings is that we May thus exhibit Christ. 7. The testimony and the prayer, And all the fellowship we share, The exercise of gifts, whate'er, Should just exhibit Christ. (Chorus:) Let us exhibit Christ, Let us exhibit Christ; We'll bring His surplus to the church And thus exhibit Christ. 8. The Father we would glorify, Exalting Christ the Son, thereby The meeting's purpose satisfy That we exhibit Christ.