1. The Church the lampstand is to Christ, Christ is the lamp with God as light; The light divine from Christ doth shine, The Church upholds its glory bright. 2. The light which shines within the lamp Is God as life, unique, divine; The stand must therefore be of gold To match the glory which doth shine. 3. Amid the darkness of this age The light of life divine doth beam In many centers of mankind Where Jesus' testimony's seen. 4. To be this testimony pure "First love" to Christ the Church must keep; Then from the "tree of life" she may The overcomer's portion reap. 5. She must the persecution bear That she the "crown of life" may gain; Adult'ry spiritual o'ercome, The "hidden manna" to obtain. 6. The deeds of "Jezebel" desert, That she may rule the earth with might; Defiling deadness overcome To be arrayed in "garments white." 7. Like "Philadelphia" she must be To keep Christ's word, confess His Name; All "lukewarm" pride she must o'ercome To feast with Him who overcame. 8. Thus will the Church be purified To be the lampstand of pure gold, To match the testimony pure, The life of Jesus fit to hold. 9. The local churches here on earth The lampstands in this age should be; The glorious new Jerusalem The lampstand in eternity. 10. The city as pure gold will be, The final lampstand consummate; Christ as the lamp she e'er will hold And God's full light will radiate.