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652  ENCOURAGEMENT — For Resting on the Lord

1. O troubled soul, beneath the rod
  Thy Father speaks—be still, be still;
  Learn to be silent unto God,
  And let Him mold thee to His will.
  Be still, O troubled soul, be still;
  Fear not, thy Father's arms enfold thee.
  Take up thy cross, lay down thy will;
  Be silent unto God, and let Him mold thee.
2. O anxious soul, lay down thy load,
  Oh, hear His voice, He speaks to thee,
  "Be still and know that I am God,
  And cast thy every care on Me."
3. O fearful soul, be still, be still,
  Be of good cheer; has He not said,
  "I will be with you, fear no ill,
  'Tis I, 'tis I, be not afraid"?
  Be still, O troubled soul, be still;
  Fear not, thy Father's arms enfold thee.
  Take up thy cross, lay down thy will;
  Be silent unto God, and let Him mold thee.
4. O praying soul, be still, be still,
  He cannot break His plighted word;
  Sink down into His blessed will,
  And wait in patience on the Lord.
5. O waiting soul, be still, be strong,
  And though He tarry, trust and wait;
  Doubt not, He will not wait too long,
  Fear not, He will not come too late.
  Be still, O troubled soul, be still;
  Fear not, thy Father's arms enfold thee.
  Take up thy cross, lay down thy will;
  Be silent unto God, and let Him mold thee.