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643  ENCOURAGEMENT — For Fellowship with Lord

1. Take time to behold Him,
  Speak oft with Thy Lord,
  Abide in Him always,
  And feed on His Word.
  Wait thou in His presence,
  Submissive and meek,
  Forgetting in nothing
  His blessing to seek.
2. Take time to behold Him,
  The world rushes on;
  Spend much time in secret
  With Jesus alone.
  By looking to Jesus
  Like Him thou shalt be;
  Thy friends, in thy conduct,
  His likeness shall see.
3. Take time to behold Him,
  Let Him be thy guide;
  And run not before Him
  Whatever betide;
  In joy or in sorrow
  Still follow thy Lord,
  And, looking to Jesus,
  Still trust in His Word.
4. Take time to behold Him,
  Be calm in thy soul,
  Each thought and each temper
  Beneath His control.
  Thus led by His Spirit
  To fountains of love,
  Thou then shalt be fitted
  His mercy to prove.