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576  EXPERIENCE OF CHRIST — Trusting Him

1. I clasp the hand of Love divine,
  I claim the gracious promise mine,
  And add to His my countersign,
  "I take"—"He undertakes."
  I take Thee, blessed Lord,
  I give myself to Thee,
  And Thou, according to Thy word,
  Dost undertake for me.
2. I could never keep my hold,
  He will hold me fast;
  For my love is often cold,
  He must hold me fast.
3. I am precious in His sight,
  He will hold me fast;
  Those He saves are His delight,
  He will hold me fast.
  I take Thee, blessed Lord,
  I give myself to Thee,
  And Thou, according to Thy word,
  Dost undertake for me.
4. He'll not let my soul be lost,
  Christ will hold me fast;
  Bought by Him at such a cost,
  He will hold me fast.