1. I come to His presence afresh Ere the night has passed into morning; And His face I see as it shine on me— The Lord within is dawning. And He speaks to me and reveals to me All His riches for me today; And with sweet delight I partake of Him, My hunger has passed away. 2. As Spirit He speaks thru the Word Till my heart in echo is singing, And the fount of life with His grace and pow'r Within my soul is springing. And He speaks to me and reveals to me All His riches for me today; And I drink of Him for my every need, My thirsting has passed away. 3. In tenderness He deal with me, While I stay with joy in His presence; And He saturates and supplies my soul With all His precious essence. And He speaks to me and reveals to me All His riches for me today; And in every way I partake of Him, My problems all passed away.