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526  EXPERIENCE OF CHRIST — As Everything

1. Lord, Thou hast made Thyself to me
  A living, bright reality,
  More present to faith's vision keen
  Than any earthly object seen;
  More dear, more intimately nigh
  Than e'en the closest earthly tie.
2. And Thou, blest vision of my soul,
  Hast made my broken nature whole;
  Hast purified my base desires,
  And kindled passion's holiest fires;
  My nature Thou hast lifted up,
  And filled me with a glorious hope.
3. Nearer and dearer still to me,
  Thou living, loving Savior be;
  Brighter the vision of Thy face,
  More charming still Thy words of grace;
  So, life shall be transformed to love,
  Thy grace and mercy more to prove.