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514  EXPERIENCE OF CHRIST — As Everything

1. There is One amid all changes
  Who standeth ever fast,
  One who covers all the future,
  The present and the past;
  It is Christ the Rock of Ages,
  The first and the last,
  The first and the last.
  Jesus is the first,
  Jesus is the last,
  Trust Him for thy future,
  Leave with Him the past;
  Jesus is the first,
  Jesus is the last,
  Christ the Rock of Ages,
  The first and the last.
2. There is One whose arms upholdeth
  This whole creation vast,
  Yet He bids us on His bosom
  Our cares and sorrows cast;
  Let us bring them all to Jesus,
  The first and the last,
  The first and the last.
3. There is One whose love has kept us
  Through every stormy blast,
  And His hand will guard and guide us
  Till all the storms are past;
  Jesus, we will trust Thee ever,
  The first and the last,
  The first and the last.
  Jesus is the first,
  Jesus is the last,
  Trust Him for thy future,
  Leave with Him the past;
  Jesus is the first,
  Jesus is the last,
  Christ the Rock of Ages,
  The first and the last.
4. First and last, O Christ, we crown Thee,
  Our fondest love Thou hast;
  Lord of lords, before Thy footstool
  Let every crown be cast;
  Haste the day when all shall crown Thee,
  The first and the last,
  The first and the last.