1. Christ is God' centrality And His universality; He is God's delight and joy Throughout all eternity. 2. He's th' embodiment of God, In Him all God's fulness dwells; His unique supremacy And His Godhead none excels. 3. All God's purpose is for Him, That He might be all in all' All the things in heav'n or earth With Himself are made withal. 4. All creation is for Christ, Everything was made by Him; 'Tis by Him all things subsist, He's the hub and He's the rim. 5. In redemption He is all, All through Him is reconciled; By His blood all things with God Now in peace are domiciled. 6. He the great beginning is, And the Church's living Head; He her life and content too, And the firstborn from the dead. 7. In God's Kingdom He's the King, All the pow'r to Him is giv'n; In His glory He shall rule Over all in earth and heav'n. 8. In new heaven and new earth Center of all things He'll be, For the Godhead and for man Throughout all eternity. 9. God intends in everything Christ should have preeminence, And that such a Christ of all We should now experience.