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494  EXPERIENCE OF CHRIST — As God's Testimony

1. Christ is the testimony true
  Of God in essence and in deed;
  God's glory He has fully shown,
  And we in Him God's nature read.
2. His testimony is more full
  Than was the witness of the law,
  Which only God in letter showed,
  And not in endless living pow'r.
3. The fulness of the Godhead dwells
  In Him, His very element;
  God's full embodiment is He—
  A vessel, God the resident.
4. The Father God He manifests;
  God's glorious features He displays;
  In Him consummately are seen
  The Father's heart and all His ways.
5. Christ as the Spirit now has come
  That He our portion be fore'er;
  In spirit we partake of Him
  And all God's being fully share.