1. God's Spirit is of Christ today, The Spirit of reality, He dwells in me with Christ as life To make this Christ so real to me. 2. As Christ is God's embodiment, Expressing God as life divine; So is the Spirit unto Christ, Revealing Him in life sublime. 3. The fulness of the Father God In Christ the Son dwells bodily; And all the riches of the Son Are Spirit, our reality. 4. Oh in the Son the Father is, And now the Spirit is the Son; The Father with the Son is joined, The Spirit with the Son is one. 5. 'Tis when the Spirit strengthens us And Christ His home makes in our hearts, The Father's fulness with His love Will fill us in our inward parts. 6. In Christ, the Father we possess, Receiving Him for all our need; In Spirit we experience Christ As life and everything indeed. 7. With Thy divine reality, Lord, fill us by Thy Spirit now, That we may all be full of Thee, And all Thy riches thus avow.