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=== Click the song number to play the song, or click the song title to get the song text (Category: 23)===
895   SERVICE—TotheWork
896   SERVICE—TotheWork
897   SERVICE—TotheWork
898   SERVICE—ConstrainedbytheLord'sLove
899   SERVICE—ByBeingBuried
900   SERVICE—ByBeingNothing
901   SERVICE—ByBeingWroughtUponbytheLord
902   SERVICE—ByBeingWroughtUponbytheLord
903   SERVICE—ByBeingWroughtUponbytheLord
904   SERVICE—ByDwellingwiththeLord
905   SERVICE—ByacloserWalkwiththeLord
906   SERVICE—BytheLordWithin
907   SERVICE—BytheLord'sLeading
908   SERVICE—OftheSpirit
909   SERVICE—IntheStream
910   SERVICE—TheOverflowoflife
911   SERVICE—EnjoyingChristasEverything
912   SERVICE—MinisteringChrist
913   SERVICE—IntheBody
914   SERVICE—FortheChurch