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207  PRAISE OF THE LORD — Satisfaction With Him

1. Lord Jesus! when we think of Thee,
  Of all Thy love and grace,
  Our spirits long and fain would see
  Thy beauty face to face.
2. And though the wilderness we tread,
  A barren, thirsty ground,
  With thorns and briars overspread,
  Where foes and snares abound;
3. Yet in Thy love such depths we see,
  Our hearts o'erflow with praise —
  Content ourselves, while, Lord to Thee
  A joyful song we raise.
4. Our Lord, our Life, our Rest, our Shield,
  Our Rock, our Food, our Light;
  Each thought of Thee doth constant yield
  Unchanging, fresh delight.
5. Blest Savior, keep our spirit stayed,
  Hard following after Thee,
  Till we, in victory displayed,
  Thy face in glory see.