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201  PRAISE OF THE LORD — His All-Inclusiveness

1. O Lord, Thou art our Paraclete,
  Our Comforter indeed,
  Our Patron with our God above,
  The Advocate we need.
2. Thou art our Counsel of defense,
  The Pleader of our case,
  Our Interceder for all things,
  Our Helper in all ways.
3. Lord, Thou dost manage all affairs
  For us in God's delight,
  Both in the heavens and in us
  With power in Thy right.
4. Thou intercedest all the time,
  Lord Spirit, with Thy grace,
  In heav'n to plead, in us to groan,
  Entreating in our place.
5. Thou helpest as the living One,
  And actest by God's plan
  In resurrection pow'r of life,
  Empow'ring our inner man.
6. Thou, as the Spirit giving life,
  In weakness dost sustain;
  And in our spirit with Thy strength,
  Our being dost maintain.
7. Thou servest ever with Thyself,
  In mercy and in love,
  That Thou may be our all in all,
  And we Thy fulness prove.