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191  PRAISE OF THE LORD — His All-Inclusiveness

1. Lord, Thou art the “Seed of woman,”
  Born to bruise the enemy;
  Thou didst take the human nature,
  Die to win the victory.
  As the very God incarnate,
  Flesh and blood Thou didst partake;
  Thou thru death hast crushed the devil
  And his pow'r of death didst break.
2. “Seed of Abraham,” Thou art, Lord,
  By God's promise Thou hast come,
  That the blessing He hath promised
  On all people thus might come.
  Abraham Thou hast preceded,
  For Thou art the great “I AM,”
  Yet Thou cam'st to be his offspring
  And become God's promised “Lamb.”
3. Lord, Thou art the “Seed of David,”
  For the kingdom Thou wast raised;
  For God's glory and His building
  On the throne Thou hast been placed.
  Truly Thou art “David's offspring,”
  Yet “my Lord” he calleth Thee,
  For Thou art his “root” and fountain,
  “Lord of all” eternally.
4. Though “a child” born with our nature,
  Thou the “Mighty God” art called;
  Thou, “a son” to us art given,
  “Everlasting Father” called.
  All the blessings God hath promised,
  With our faith on Thee depend;
  Thou art “Yea” and “Amen” for them,
  All the content and the end!