1. Glory to Christ on high! Let praises fill the sky! Praise ye His name: He all our sorrows bore; Angels His name adore, And saints cry evermore, “Worthy the Lamb!” 2. All they around the throne Cheerfully join in one, Praising His name: We who have known His blood Sealing our peace with God, Spread His dear name abroad; Worthy the Lamb! 3. Join all the human race Our Lord, God's Christ, to bless, Praise ye His name: In Him we will rejoice, Making a cheerful noise, Saying with heart and voice, “Worthy the Lamb!” 4. Though we must change our place, Our hearts shall never cease Praising His name: To Him we'll tribute bring, Laud Him, our gracious King, And, without ceasing, sing, “Worthy the Lamb!”