1. Deeper, deeper, in the cross of Jesus; Deeper let me go; Death and life, they always go together; Deepen, Lord, the flow. Oh, deeper yet we pray, Do work in us each day; Go deeper, through and through, Till in Thee we're wholly new. 2. Higher, higher, in the life of Jesus; Lord, we are so low. By Thy life we all can go much higher— Higher let us go. Oh, higher yet we pray— Transform us every day— And richer in the flow; May Thy life be all we know. 3. Growing, growing, in us He is growing, More and more each day. Into all our living He is flowing— This is now His way. For growth, O Lord, we pray; Increase in us each day. It's not enough to know; Now Thy life in us must grow. 4. Living, living, Christ is all our living, He's so practical: Small things, big things, anything and all things— He's involved in all. Live Christ in every way; Oh, live Him out today. His name you now must call, And give Him your all for all. 5. Person, Person, Jesus is our Person, Living now in us. He's our tastes, our attitudes and actions; Oh, how glorious! Our Person, Lord, Thou art; Make home in all our heart. As life in every way Be our Person, Lord, each day. 6. Churches, churches, in the local churches We all find the flow: Deeper, higher, Christ as all our living, For the church we grow. The churches are today Just Christ in every way. For this, from self we cease, For Thy Body, Thine increase. 7. Building, building, we will see the building Of the church this way; Christ experienced will produce the building— He's the only way. Oh, build us, Lord, we pray, By growth of life each day. Oh, make us now such men For the new Jerusalem. 8. Coming, coming, Jesus soon is coming For His chosen Bride. In the churches we are all preparing To be glorified. Lord Jesus, come again— This cry is deep within. We'll praise Thee to the end, Oh, come back! Come back! Amen!