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1239  THE CHURCH — Building by the Growth in Life

1. In this age we're being turned
  To the Spirit to be burned;
  Now in spirit we can see
  Christ, the church, our unity!
2. In the spirit we can taste
  All the riches of Thy grace;
  All Thy fullness, blessed Lord
  Is for those in one accord!
3. In the spirit, on the ground—
  Here is where Thy life is found.
  Dwelling thus in unity,
  We enjoy reality!
4. Out of death and into life,
  Done with all divisive strife!
  Free indeed to love but Thee,
  Growing to maturity!
5. "Amen, Jesus," is our prayer
  To the purging work, whate'er;
  Now Thy church must desperate be
  More the growth in life to see.
6. O Lord, make Thy home our heart,
  Our true inner man Thou art;
  God and man are mingled thus—
  Christ, the church, all glorious!