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1117  WORSHIP OF THE FATHER — His Redemption

1. We praise Thee, O God,
  For the Spirit of Christ
  Who has come to indwell us
  And be all our life.
  Hallelujah! What a Spirit!
  Hallelujah! Within!
  Hallelujah! Life abundant
  That never shall end!
2. In spirit we sing
  Of the One who has come
  As the life—giving Spirit With us to be one.
  Hallelujah! This is Jesus,
  Hallelujah! Still more,
  Hallelujah! He's the Spirit,
  Our life evermore.
3. In spirit reborn,
  We're being transformed,
  And to God's Son completely
  We'll soon be conformed.
  Hallelujah! Life imparting,
  Hallelujah! Transformed,
  Hallelujah! Soon transfigured
  And to Him conformed!
4. Conformed we will be
  As in spirit we feed
  On the life of the One
  Who knows all that we need.
  Hallelujah! Full salvation!
  Hallelujah! Our Prize!
  Hallelujah! So sufficient
  For all of our lives.