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1059  GOSPEL — Crying to the Lord

1. Jesus, keep me near the cross,
  There a precious fountain,
  Free to all—a healing stream,
  Flows from Calv'ry's mountain.
  In the cross, in the cross,
  Be my glory ever;
  From the cross my ransomed soul
  Nothing then shall sever.
2. Near the cross, a trembling soul,
  Love and mercy found me;
  There the Bright and Morning Star
  Sheds its beams around me.
3. Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
  Bring its scenes before me;
  Help me walk from day to day,
  With its shadow o'er me.
  In the cross, in the cross,
  Be my glory ever;
  From the cross my ransomed soul
  Nothing then shall sever.
4. Near the cross I'll watch and wait,
  Hoping, trusting ever,
  Till I see my Savior's face,
  Leave His presence never.