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=== Click the song list to list the songs, or click the EDIT in front of the song list to change the song list.===
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Edit   20200322Q Travels of Israel - Allotment of the Land: 6705, 9410, 64, 11, 46, 96
Edit   20200315Q Travels of Israel - Joshua's Victory & the Final Conquering of the Good Land: 2, 3422, 6733, 2800, 36, 1302
Edit   20200308Q THE TRAVELS OF THE CHOSEN CHILDREN OF ISRAEL -Achan and Ai: 2827, 2806, 54, 11, 56, 4610, 2204, 6407, 4
Edit   20200301Q THE TRAVELS OF THE CHOSEN CHILDREN OF ISRAEL Jericho: 63, 6705, 20, 25, 6103, 3705, 200
Edit   20200301Q THE TRAVELS OF THE CHOSEN CHILDREN OF ISRAEL -Achan and Ai: 2827, 2806, 54, 11, 56, 4610, 2204, 6407, 4
Edit   20200223Q THE TRAVELS OF THE CHOSEN CHILDREN OF ISRAEL Entering the Good Land: 25, 3422, 20, 9410, 98, 8328, 3733, 9540
Edit   20200216Q THE TRAVELS OF THE CHOSEN CHILDREN OF ISRAEL Death of Moses: 4, 14, 13, 19, 98, 5501, 9522, 8327, 155
Edit   20200209Q THE TRAVELS OF THE CHOSEN CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: 4, 180, 166, 31, 73, 8308, 8318, 33, 25, 9042
Edit   20200202Q THE TRAVELS OF THE CHOSEN CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: 4, 11, 146, 9213, 9521, 52, 4605, 54, 65
Edit   20200126Q THE TRAVELS OF THE CHOSEN CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: Rebellion: 5, 56, 65, 66, 1013, 5205, 3722, 7603, 2829
Edit   20200119 Travels: The Spying of the good land: 158,20, 25, 22, 1302, 8308, 8324, 9532, 9522, 9531
Edit   20200112Q Celebration Meeting Pre-K & 3's Opening Time: 2827, 47, 19, 24, 4611, 17, 91, 3735, 46, 9533
Edit   20200105Q THE TRAVELS OF THE CHOSEN CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: Murmuring: 2827, 5, 56, 193, 8310, 1013, 8308, 20, 9534, 9533
Edit   20191229Q THE TRAVELS OF THE CHOSEN OF ISRAEL: The Molten Calf: 191, 192, 1612, 9530; 10, 9313, 9316, 1602, 1302; 146
Edit   20191222Q Travels: The Priesthood: 2, 4, 171, 175, 176, 4607, 9313, 9031, 9032, 9042, 9044
Edit   20191215Q Travels: The Tabernacle: 2, 146, 7623, 8321, 152, 9213, 9521, 79
Edit   20191208Q Travels: Ten Commandments (2of 2): 51, 8326, 6711, 9530, 146, 3115, 5508
Edit   20191201Q Travels: Ten Commandments (1 of 2): 49, 192, 6702, 6719, 7, 3400, 8315, 8326, 8208, 146
Edit   20191124Q Travels: food and drink: 32, 33, 8302, 93, 6, 8305, 8308, 8311, 8312
Edit   20191117Q Travels: Crossing the Red Sea: 20, 6702, 3443, 22, 32, 33, 34, 8302, 8303
Edit   20191110Q Travels: The Passover: 136, 153, 5223,7604, 6415, 6729, 6702, 3443, 8308, 1614
Edit   20191103Q Travels: Plagues (2): 3418, 65, 5205, 173, 2807, 1314,1614, 7604, 5223, 6702
Edit   20191027Q Travels-Plagues(2): 5223, 3722, 173, 174, 4607, 3418, 2807, 1314
Edit   20191026 NE Conference Oct 26 Sat 10am: 47, 4620, 9523, 9006, 9508, 9410, 9519, 4300
Edit   20191020Q Travels-Plagues(1): 6708, 2201, 5223, 4607, 2807, 1314; 25, 1614, 3418, 6721
Edit   20191013Q Travels-God calls Moses in the Burning Bush: 2827, 3423, 2201, 4607, 6703, 6708,, 3403, 1614, 6702, 1301
Edit   20191006Q Travels of the children of Israel: The Birth of Moses: 155; 158, 4606; 2510; 4607, 6715; 25; 33; 1614; 4300
Edit   20190929Q Travels of Israel; Forefathers - Jacob: 2827, 11, 9522, 24, 31, 171, 3702, 3703, 32, 9584, 6732
Edit   20190922Q Travels of Israel; Forefathers-Isaac (2 of 2): 197, 23, 31, 64, 171, 6732, 5208, 9579, 6733
Edit   20190915 Travels of Israel; Forefathers - Isaac (1 of 2): 25, 9572, 7, 64, 57, 24, 111, 9524, 44, 9410
Edit   20190908 Travels of Israel; Forefathers - God called Abraham: 190, 1007, 2820, 44, 7, 36, 153, 64, 9410, 9572
Edit   20190901 The Ten Commandments Review: 25, 1615, 6719, 4308, 9532, 56,195, 9226, 4300
Edit   20190824Q The Great Commandment- Love Your Neighbor (2 of 2): 175, 9524, 3713, 8208, 6401, 195, 2830, 6719, 6711, 146
Edit   20190818Q The Great Commandment - Love Him (1 of 2)): 146, 3713, 151, 6711, 6401, 9013, 9010
Edit   20190811Q The Tenth Commandment (2 of 2)-You Shall not Covet: 25, 24, 4610, 2204, 197, 90, 3420, 3440, 9533, 2828, 17
Edit   20190804Q The Tenth Commandment (1 of 2):You Shall Not Covet: 165, 3427, 2806, 11, 1615, 9533, 1013, 6719, 9557
Edit   20190728Q The Ninth Commandment (3 of 3): 2827, 9530, 9532, 10, 11, 2509, 4308, 6719, 70, 4
Edit   20190721Q The Ninth Commandment (2 of 3): 162, 9530, 9532, 10,11, 4308, 9525, 6719, 192, 9522
Edit   20190714Q The Ninth Commandment (1 of 3): You Shall Not Testify False Testimony Against YourNeighbor: 49, 69, 10, 11, 3115, 9522, 9530, 4308, 9432
Edit   20190707Q The Eighth Commandment (2 of 2):You Shall Not Steal: 4, 2825, 10, 11, 56, 19
Edit   20190630Q The Eighth Commandment (1 of 2):You Shall Not Steal: 4, 11, 1615, 6719, 56,195, 9226, 4300
Edit   20190623 The Seventh Commandment- Marriage Should be Held in Honor: 74, 9005, 9555, 9554, 9409, 2833
Edit   20190616Q The Sixth Commandment (2 of 2):You Shall Not Kill: 162, 5509, 6711, 4605, 3436, 9226, 6722, 56, 19, 2823
Edit   20190609 The Ten Commandments: The 6th Commandment (1 of 2) You Shall Not Kill: 5509, 95, 6719, 6711, 3115, 9557, 7, 187, 13
Edit   20190602 The Ten Commandments: Review of first five commandments: 49, 3427, 2811, 154, 135, 1611, 3423, 146, 4605, 9204
Edit   20190526 The Ten Commandments: The 5th Commandment (2 of 2) Honor Your Father and Your Mother: 1, 2829, 8317, 9204, 9533, 4605, 1614, 155, 7603
Edit   20190519 The Ten Commandments: The 5th Commandment (1 of 2) Honor Your Father and Your Mother: 1, 8317, 7603, 3115, 3722, 176, 1614, 155, 2829
Edit   20190512 The Ten Commandments: The Fourth Commandment (2 of 2) Remember the Sabbath Day: 49, 192, 8208, 146, 3423, 3401, 3117, 3400, 152, 3106
Edit   20190505 The Ten Commandments: The Fourth Commandment (1 of 2) Remember the Sabbath Day: 7, 3106, 49, 6719, 91, 192, 1611, 31
Edit   20190428 The Ten Commandments: The Third Commandment (2 of 2) The Proper Use of the Lord's Name: 154, 100, 99, 101, 63, 102, 3104, 3118, 9311
Edit   20190421 The Ten Commandments: The Third Commandment (1 of 2): 107, 135, 3104, 154, 166, 109, 103, 158, 3723, 9311
Edit   20190407 The Ten Commandments: The First Commandment: 5512, 51, 61,95,162, 2811, 3427, 4611, 6719,6711, 8208, 146
Edit   20190331Q The Lord's Prayer- A Model - Review: 162, 10, 25, 183, 6724, 9031, 9522, 174, 2832, 9042
Edit   20190324Q The Lord's Prayer- A Model(8) Not Being Brought into Temptation, but Being Delivered from Evil (Disobedience and Rebellions): 10, 153, 173, 174, 1614, 6732, 9204, 9311, 5205, 7
Edit   20190317Q The Lord's Prayer- A Model (7) Not Being Brought into Temptation- Jealousy: 162, 53, 9533, 9522, 9320, 9524, 9557, 19, 17, 3730, 13
Edit   20190310Q The Lord's Prayer (6) Not being brought into Temptation...Greed: 12, 17, 19, 9524, 162, 9031, 174, 72, 1902
Edit   20190303Q The Lord's Prayer (5) Not being brought into Temptation, but being delivered from Evil-Pride: 174, 173, 186, 1902, 7, 192, 10, 9317, 3423, 72, 2832
Edit   20190224Q The Lord's Prayer-A Model(4):... Being Delivered From Evil (1of5): 171, 10, 11, 121, 173, 3734, 191, 9316, 9521
Edit   20190217Q The Lord's Prayer-A Model(3): Our Relationship with God and Man (2 of 2): 1, 19, 1017, 53, 6724, 171, 3408, 9226
Edit   20190210Q The Lord's Prayer-A Model: Our Relationship with God and Man (1 of 2): 162, 6407, 4618,10, 19, 9226, 53, 180, 2823, 1017
Edit   20190203Q The Lord's Prayer- A model (1): 25, 163, 171, 159, 4618, 9326, 6407, 1017, 193, 20
Edit   20190127Q Human Relationships: God Fearers (2 of 2): 11, 65, 69, 9313, 9317, 7621, 10, 192, 9314
Edit   20190106Q Human Relationships: Government (1 of 2): 2827, 9211, 9219, 2829, 191, 9528, 10, 11, 65
Edit   20190106Q Human Relationships: God Fearers (1 of 2): 2827, 10, 11, 2829, 4, 65, 6715, 9303, 9308
Edit   20181230Q End of Year Celebration: 3117, 3427, 3734, 2811, 31, 162, 3102, 5509, 1615, 1612
Edit   20181223Q Human Relationships: REVIEW: 1, 7602, 19, 9521, 191, 9522, 1612, 9528
Edit   20181215Q The Truth About Christmas: 80, 6417, 142, 146, 192, 1013, 6705, 9031, 9123
Edit   20181209Q Human Relationships: Teachers, the importance of school: 2201,2829, 5, 1614, 9204, 9521, 9522, 9528, 9538, 8308
Edit   20181202Q Human Relationships: Teachers, the importance of school: 162, 7, 2201,9225, 5502, 7621, 7602, 2829
Edit   20181125Q Human Relationships: Adults and Children (2 of 2): 3115, 5205, 5502, 9211, 7601, 2829, 9535, 2830, 9225, 9219, 2831, 7602
Edit   20181118Q Human Relationships: Adults and Children (1 of 2): 191, 192, 7621, 2829, 9211, 2830, 9219, 9225
Edit   20181111Q Human Relationships: Friends (4 of 4) Friends of God: 2810, 192, 2811, 19, 121, 114, 9225, 1003, 9576, 6711
Edit   20181104Q Human Relationships: Friends (3 of 4): 19, 6711, 192, 48, 9225, 1612, 9527, 9316, 9307
Edit   20181028Q Human Relationships: Friends (2 of 4) Conference: 47, 9225, 19, 17, 9216, 1612, 9524, 9527, 9307, 175, 6711
Edit   20181021 Human Relationships Friends (1): 47, 1612, 7617, 1002,1900, 9307, 3408, 9303, 9306
Edit   20181014Q The Truth about Halloween: 8, 142, 192, 37, 2511, 174, 191, 3424, 52, 74
Edit   20181007Q Human Relationships: Brothers and Sisters (3):
Edit   20181007Q Human Relationships: Brothers and Sisters (3): 25, 6711, 9557, 3408, 6724, 5212, 7605, 183, 13
Edit   20180930Q Human Relationships: Brothers and Sisters (2): 1, 5,183, 7, 9557, 56, 6724, 9585, 9587
Edit   20180923Q Human Relationships: Brothers and Sisters (1): 65, 10, 4, 54, 56, 9557, 6732, 6724, 7, 37
Edit   20180916Q Human Relationships: Parents (2): 7, 5, 10, 7602, 7603, 1615, 9204, 2205
Edit   20180909Q Human Relationships: Parents (1): 7, 5, 9528, 9531, 7603, 9554, 74, 135
Edit   20180902Q Creation Review: 187,9521, 188, 109, 9013, 60, 9011, 4612, 9512, 1012
Edit   20180826Q Creation: Triune God Created Man - HIs Masterpiece 2: 186, 187, 188, 5201, 9521, 9013, 9011, 9015, 9520
Edit   20180819Q Creation: Triune God Created Man - HIs Masterpiece: 7, 186, 187, 188, 74, 192,109, 59, 9002, 9009, 9017
Edit   20180812Q Creation: Triune God Created animals and creeping things(2): 60, 197, 55, 9512, 1012, 9005, 9002, 9012, 9011, 51
Edit   20180805Q Creation: Triune God Created animals and creeping things: 197, 60, 9011, 176, 178, 2816, 1012, 51, 9512, 31
Edit   20180729Q-2: Creation: God Created the birds: 60, 24, 197, 31, 9002, 9011, 9014, 6405, 132, 7, 180, 135, 32, 33
Edit   20180729Q: Creation: God Created the birds: 60, 24, 197, 31, 9002 9011, 9014, 6405, 132, 7, 180, 135, 32, 33
Edit   20180722Q: Creation: God Created the fish: 51,9512, 53, 9603, 55, 61, 9013, 9009, 4617, 9011, 9618
Edit   20180715Q: Creation: God Created the Sun, Moon and Stars (3): 51,53, 9603, 55, 61, 9014, 9009, 4612, 4617, 9011, 9618
Edit   20180708Q: Creation: God Created the Sun, Moon and Stars (2): 61, 59, 4611, 9009, 51, 55, 9603, 53, 9610
Edit   20180701Q: Creation: God Created the Sun, Moon and Stars (1): 158, 9503, 53, 9610, 4611, 80, 9014, 9502, 9009, 9508
Edit   20180617Q: Creation: God Created Plant Life: 61, 59, 9014,9502, 9511,9002, 58, 9513, 9512, 9007,60,4617
Edit   20180610 Creation: God Created the land and the Sea: 61, 4611, 1012, 9008, 55, 9603, 9014, 98, 9002
Edit   20180603 Creation: God Created the Air: 51, 55, 9502, 61, 195, 9603, 92, 9514, 9119
Edit   20180527 Creation: God Created Light: 53, 9503, 9009, 1015, 9610, 9604, 9602, 9502, 9603
Edit   20180520 CREATION: The Triune God Created the Heavens and the Earth: 55, 9502, 9515, 9508, 9014, 9002, 9009, 9605, 9608, 139
Edit   20180513Q Creation: The Triune God and His Great Plan (2): 7, 55,9501,186,7623, 161, 9520,1015,9512, 9602
Edit   20180506Q Creation: The Triune God and His Great Plan (1): 4611, 61, 9014, 9502, 9515, 9512, 51, 55, 59, 171,4611, 2809
Edit   20180429Q Review God's Calling in the Present Age: 162, 91, 2820, 1301, 7, 146, 66, 153, 1614, 4618
Edit   20180422Q God's Calling in the Present Age- Seer of the Devine Revelation: 66, 6705, 121, 74, 8208, 146, 37, 5217, 1301, 1614
Edit   20180415: God's Calling in the Present Age: Margaret E. Barber: 191, 52, 1301, 121, 33, 37, 173, 152, 9618, 3738
Edit   20180408: God's Calling in the Present Age: Fanny Crosby: 7, 11, 24, 31, 32, 9521, 2, 2204, 9213
Edit   20180401: God's Calling in the Present Age: John Newton: 2827, 9521, 11, 1015, 1301, 3401, 9111, 33, 152, 1014
Edit   20180325Q God's Calling in the Present Age: Hudson Taylor: 158, 155, 2201, 1301, 8308, 153, 1614, 4618
Edit   20180318Q God's Calling in the Present Age: George M�ller: 162, 20, 172, 171, 52, 7607, 159, 2810, 9042, 9618
Edit   20180311Q Cod's Calling in the Present Age: John and Charles Wesley: 8, 10, 91, 89, 74, 3714, 9020, 9028, 9420
Edit   20180304Q Cod's Calling in the Present Age: Martin Luther: 163, 70, 65, 26, 9409, 9420, 6411, 29, 25
Edit   20180225Q Cod's Calling in the NT: Jesus is Calling You: 158, 162, 76, 152, 93, 97, 74, 3707, 2820, 155, 5512, 9025
Edit   20180218Q God's Calling in NT: Priscilla and Aquilla: 1, 176, 175, 9028, 9219, 9032, 3731, 8308, 9527
Edit   20180211Q God's Calling in NT: Lydia and the Jailer: 7, 172, 32, 9524, 9527, 39, 153, 1612, 1614, 3731
Edit   20180204Q God's Calling in NT: Paul, Called to Served Together with Barnabas and Othe Brothers and Sisters: 9211, 19, 1612, 1614, 8308, 176,175, 9109, 9524, 9527
Edit   20180128Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In Acts - Timothy: 69, 65, 6705, 7623, 66, 9521, 6705, 9423, 23
Edit   20180121Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In Acts - Saul of Tarsus: 7,65,64,192, 186,9521,148,146,178,153
Edit   20180114Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In Acts - Cornelius: 15, 92, 4300, 8, 171, 80, 9527, 9524
Edit   20180107Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels-Stephen: 22, 8, 15, 74, 80, 9112, 66,67,68, 3408
Edit   20171231Q - Review: God's Calling in the NT last 4 weeks' lessons: 3714,88,180,183,1612,166,178,6104,192,74
Edit   20171224Q ChristmasLesson: 67, 3103, 166, 192, 35, 9506, 9031,4619
Edit   20171217Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels-Pentecost: 8, 166, 29, 9101, 178, 1612, 6104, 82,80, 9111, 9102
Edit   20171210Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels-The Paralytic Man: 74, 9031,9029,9030, 3714,9226,180, 183,1612, 9111,98
Edit   20171203Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels- Zaccheus: 54, 56, 73, 82, 88, 153, 183, 3714, 189
Edit   20171126Q Review (1): 8308, 2511, 41, 2820, 35, 36, 91, 153, , 37, 192, 62, 66
Edit   20171119Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels- Mary of Bethany: 146, 102, 3738, 9032, 151, 5210, 6401,9526, 6711
Edit   20171112Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels-- Martha: 176, 15, 178, 5,4620, 9021,4300, 8308, 65,2511, 167, 5511
Edit   20171105Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels-- Mary the Magdalene: 2511, 147, 41, 2509, 2820, 92, 9032, 92
Edit   20171029 All Districts conference: 35, 36, 9020, 77, 9421, 9025, 3706, 2511, 2509
Edit   20171022Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels-- Matthew: 2511, 142, 4604, 2509, 3438, 3440,19, 4605, 76, 91
Edit   20171015Q The Truth about Halloween: 74, 8, 192, 37, 3734, 174, 52, 63, 191, 3424,142
Edit   20171008Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels-- the twelve apostles: 36,2507,40,9025,3706,153,9027,9032,2511,9042
Edit   20171001Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels-- Fishers of Men: 35, 36, 9020, 2507, 9025, 130, 2511, 3734, 153
Edit   20170924Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels-- First disciples: 89, 153, 2820, 36, 15, 37, 1313, 2511, 39
Edit   20170917Q God's Calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels-- John the Baptist: 158, 7, 37, 36, 15, 1313, 8204, 192, 9111, 74
Edit   20170910Q The Bible: 62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 9410, 9411, 9412, 9409, 9421
Edit   20170903Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: review: 9221, 154, 42, 43, 2829, 9306, 184, 171
Edit   20170827Q God's Calling in the OT: God Called Jonah: 4, 11, 52, 54, 56, 80, 82, 191, 10, 50, 153
Edit   20170820Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: review:
Edit   20170820Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Daniel (3 of 3): 171, 168,184, 9306, 9308,9319, 9320, 9326, 33
Edit   20170813Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Daniel (2of 3): 171, 9306, 9308, 1612, 9326, 6411, 172, 3104, 9311
Edit   20170806Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Daniel (1 of 3): 146, 1302, 9303, 2829, 9304, 9306, 9307, 186
Edit   20170730Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Solomon: 1, 2, 9211, 48, 9225, 42, 43, 9227, 9230, 6407
Edit   20170723Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called David (4 of 4): 146, 6407, 2829, 9221, 9123, 154, 6732, 6711
Edit   20170716Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called David (3of4): 9204, 5205, 12, 9215, 6732, 3104, 2829, 9231
Edit   20170709Q Review April 30 to July 2: 7, 64, 149, 198, 200, 6102, 1614,42,43, 9410, 178, 146
Edit   20170702Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called David (2): 5512, 9209, 9207,24, 32, 192, 178, 29,114, 199
Edit   20170625Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called David: 10, 69, 9203, 9212, 9213, 9207, 146, 159, 147
Edit   20170618Q Review: 7,192, 3702,3731, 45, 2807, 8312, 8302, 43,42
Edit   20170611Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Samuel: 7, 177, 9202, 9535, 4300, 43, 4307, 2820, 1614
Edit   20170604Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Ruth the Moabitess: 162,1, 4300, 4900, 42, 43, 1602, 3423, 190, 6102
Edit   20170604M God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Ruth the Moabitess: 77, 11, 4611, 91, 1612, 1, 4300, 3423, 4900, 7617, 9219, 9204, 2502, 190
Edit   20170521Q God's Calling in the OT: Samson: 7,37, 192,15, 6413,146,9307,1612, 9316,143, 153
Edit   20170514Q: God's calling in the Old Testament: God called Gideon: 2827, 2801, 25, 1302, 6713, 20, 1614, 135, 6702, 198
Edit   20170507Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Rahab: 149,6103, 200, 3705, 9540, 9322, 30, 25, 20, 1614
Edit   20170430Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Joshua and Caleb: 25, 33, 20, 32, 4611, 172, 9410, 1600, 1302, 37
Edit   20170430M God's Calling in the OT: Joshua and Caleb: 9520, 9410, 4611, 33, 20, 29, 25, 32, 192, 3406, 62, 8324, 100, 5201, 37, 100
Edit   20170423Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: Gold Called Israel (3): 7, 162, 192, 3102, 2807, 8312, 8323, 5, 8308,6733
Edit   20170423M God's Calling In The Old Testament: Israel (3 of 3): 162, 25, 9313, 146, 5, 8323, 8312, 8308, 6733, 13, 3102, 9520
Edit   20170416Q God's Calling in the OT: God Called Israel (2 of 3)-Crossing the Red Sea: 25, 155,4611, 6729, 2505, 8302, 5223, 6702, 4607, 45, 4304
Edit   20170409Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Israel (1)-The Passover: 2827, 162, 138, 8308, 6729, 9410, 7614, 182, 7604, 153
Edit   20170402Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Moses (3): 25, 4611, 2201, 3403, 6702, 91, 2807, 5223, 4607, 2204
Edit   20170326Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Moses (2): 2820, 1301, 175, 4607, 3423, 2201, 6703, 6708,1614
Edit   20170326M God's Calling in the OT: God Called Moses (2 of 3): 158, 2814, 7, 175, 2820, 4607, 3423, 9014, 9520, 2201, 6703, 6708, 1614, 3403, 9204, 2829, 1301
Edit   20170319Q: God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Moses: 2827, 191, 3423, 6715, 138, 153, 173, 7605, 52, 25
Edit   20170312Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Joseph: 9410, 8308, 64, 96, 32, 6733, 3731, 7, 74,1614
Edit   20170312M God's Calling in the OT: Joseph (5 of 5): 9410, 82, 64, 74, 9002, 2814, 9014, 9516, 1614, 117, 9042
Edit   20170305Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Joseph (4 of 5): 32, 53, 54, 180, 6724, 3408, 3730, 3731
Edit   20170226Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Joseph (3 of 5): 24, 7, 52, 32, 7624, 3738, 3730, 6722, 4610, 2204
Edit   20170226M God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Joseph (3 of 5): 6726, 2827, 3738, 24, 52, 32, 9515, 9512, 9506, 9501, 9014, 9002, 8308, 2204, 9520
Edit   20170219Q God's Calling in the Old Testement: God Called Joseph (2 of 5): 7,32,3731,54,191, 56,9521,174, 52,172
Edit   20170212Q God's Calling in the Old Testement: God Called Joseph (1of 5): 2827,7,190,7603,5205,3115,8308,9527,3700,3730
Edit   20170205Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Jacob (5): 28, 32, 33, 164, 172, 6733, 3102, 6730, 136, 3700
Edit   20170205 God's Calling in the Old Testament: 28, 32, 164, 52, 164, 136, 33, 3700, 172, 3102
Edit   20170129Q God's calling in the Old Testament: God called Jacob (4): 24,52,32,142,172,6732,96,64,9410,2822
Edit   20170129M God's Calling in the OT: Jacob (4 of 5): 9506, 9515, 9501, 24, 32, 52, 172, 6732, 9511, 9514, 9520, 9512, 64, 2822, 9506
Edit   20170122Q God's calling in the Old Testament: God called Jacob (3): 172, 3704, 9521, 9522, 9528, 52, 32, 6722, 8308, 2
Edit   20170115Q God's Calling in OT: God Called Jacob (2 of 5): 95, 31, 10, 52, 3703, 141, 1015, 3702, 3701, 6733
Edit   20170108Q God's Calling in OT: God Called Jacob 1: 49, 2820, 7, 192, 1013, 9533, 32, 194, 1614, 161
Edit   20170101Q: GOD'S CALLING IN THE OLD TESTAMENT: REVIEW: 62, 64, 2820, 7603, 2827, 9501, 9520, 52,192
Edit   20170101M GOD'S CALLING IN THE OLD TESTAMENT: Review: 135, 62, 65, 70, 4611, 9512, 9515, 60, 9501, 9520, 192, 66, 54, 65, 9014
Edit   20161225Q: GOD'S CALLING IN THE OLD TESTAMENT: God Called Isaac (2): 2, 178, 80,19, 1304, 5208, 9529, 9219, 5501
Edit   20161218Q: GOD'S CALLING IN THE OLD TESTAMENT: God Called Isaac (1): 2827, 146, 32, 94, 2819, 25, 5505, 5208, 98, 3436
Edit   20161211Q The Truth About Christmas: 3102, 107, 192, 53, 1013, 9123, 9009, 197, 9031, 6417
Edit   20161204Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God called Abraham (4): 152, 190, 146, 153, 65, 1007, 9410, 155, 44, 6407
Edit   20161204M God's Calling in the OT: Abraham (4): 155, 190, 9515, 9014, 65, 9410, 153, 64, 152, 6407
Edit   20161127Q God Called Abraham (3) God Visits Abraham and Destroys Sodom and Gomorrah: 178, 11, 9211,192,9410,64,176, 7619, 9307,3405, 9530
Edit   20161120Q God's Calling in OT Abraham (2): 25, 73, 190, 64, 44, 66, 9410, 96, 9427
Edit   20161113Q God's Calling in The Old Testament: God Called Abraham (1): 7, 36, 5205, 153, 32, 37, 1007, 190, 64, 9410
Edit   20161111Q Children Activity Day: 9211, 4601, 9410, 9527
Edit   20161106Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God called Job: 25, 93, 52, 92, 32, 24,33,172, 6722, 3738
Edit   20161106M God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Job: 25, 24, 178, 52, 32, 9009, 48, 175, 3738, 4619, 8308, 6722, 2
Edit   20161030 God Called Noah(2): 25,30,9522, 2503, 9540, 9410, 9005, 15, 192, 64, 2820, 7
Edit   20161023R God's Calling in OT: Noah (1): 25, 135, 7, 15, 1904, 192, 2503, 7603, 8308, 3114
Edit   20161023Q: God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Noah (1): 8, 2823, 7, 161, 4, 15, 2503, 192, 3107, 7603, 8308
Edit   20161016Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Enoch: 2827, 7, 2820, 52, 36, 37, 39, 15, 3400, 1614
Edit   20161009 The Truth about Halloween: 8, 142, 74, 192, 37, 2511, 174, 191, 8204, 52
Edit   20161002Q: God's Calling in the Old Testament- God Called Enosh: 2827, 7, 24, 172, 52, 9308, 153, 33, 3704, 171, 135, 1013
Edit   20160925Q God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Abel: 10, 54, 56, 6732, 4, 66,173, 7, 2820, 2511
Edit   20160918Q God Called Adam and Eve: 7, 60, 186, 174, 9520, 9501, 9504, 9506, 9517, 9017
Edit   20160918M God Called Adam and Eve:: 9506, 9504, 9520, 9501, 24, 64, 60, 9017, 7, 9009, 32, 7, 32
Edit   20160911Q The Bible: 62, 65,9409, 66, 9421, 9410, 9411
Edit   20160904Q Review (7): 48, 178, 4, 1013, 54, 4305, 152, 4619, 175, 1614
Edit   20160828Q BEING WELL-PLEASING TO THE LORD: DILIGENT: 48; 178; 175;176; 4; 9026; 1300; 9432
Edit   20160822Q Being Well-Pleasing to the Lord: Truthful: 4, 10, 11, 53, 54, 9530, 4308, 180
Edit   20160814Q Being Well-Pleasing to the Lord: Giving: 194, 1013, 9123, 9031, 9040, 152, 6417, 2806, 3412
Edit   20160807Q BEING WELL-PLEASING TO THE LORD: We Should be Appreciative & Thankful: 1013, 9219, 193, 194, 196, 197, 9534, 9533
Edit   20160731Q THE PERSON AND LIFE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ: 66, 57, 18, 5227, 4300, 4601, 4619, 1614
Edit   20160724Q The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ: 18, 66, 68, 170, 5227, 4305, 9409, 6417
Edit   20160724M The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ: 9313, 9525, 55, 51, 170, 4305, 6417, 52, 107
Edit   20160723 Children's Activity Day: 9506, 11, 9522, 9530, 1612
Edit   20160717Q Review for 6/5/16 to 7/10/16: 155, 25, 93, 3119, 2508,112, 20, 143, 107, 52, 74
Edit   20160710Q The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: Commissioning and Ascending: 47, 40, 9101, 178, 9102, 191, 74, 8
Edit   20160703Q The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: The reurrection (2): 47, 25, 49, 107, 108, 112, 9101, 9102, 52, 155
Edit   20160626M The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Resurrection of the Lord: 47, 49, 165, 4620, 107, 9523, 9204, 9225, 155, 20, 89
Edit   20160626 Q-The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Resurrection of the Lord-PT.1: 49, 4611, 25, 112, 2500, 108, 165, 107, 20, 30
Edit   20160619Q THE PERSON AND LIFE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: The Crucifixion and Death of the Lord Jesus Christ (Part 2 of 2): 52, 54, 73, 87, 146, 5215, 3119, 151, 191
Edit   20160612Q THE PERSON AND LIFE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: The Cruxifixion and of the Lord Jesus Christ (Part 1 of 2): 89, 91, 1606, 2508, 9024, 92, 93, 100, 98, 3713, 143
Edit   20160605Q THE PERSON AND LIFE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: The Trial and Judgement of the Lord Jesus Christ: 73, 102, 142, 3119, 5215, 151, 107
Edit   20160605M The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ:The Trial and Judgement of the Lord Jesus Christ: 73, 102, 142, 5215, 3119, 151, 102, 107, 9313, 9303, 9005
Edit   20160529Q: Review for weeks May 8 to May 22, 2016: 2827, 79, 130, 76, 10, 66, 146, 3418, 69, 142
Edit   20160522Q THE PERSON AND LIFE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: The Lord Being Judged by the Jewish Sanhedrin, and Peter Denying the Lord: 164, 135, 37, 39, 96, 111, 114, 143,3413, 6722
Edit   20160522M The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Lord Being Judged by the Jewish Sanhedrin and Peter Denying the Lord: 143, 9009, 135, 9522, 37, 39, 164, 52, 9530, 111, 114, 7
Edit   20160514 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Betrayal and Arrest of the Lord Jesus(2): 146, 8, 174, 37, 32, 173, 24, 3119, 9044, 5215, 143
Edit   20160508Q The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Betrayal and Arrestof the Lord Jesus: 109, 3418,72, 69, 95, 146, 143, 148,147, 152
Edit   20160501Q Review (4): 162, 96, 34, 63, 3418, 93, 1009, 7602, 3117, 76
Edit   20160501M Review: 4611, 52, 54, 56, 6711, 162, 33, 9530, 9042, 109, 11, 158
Edit   20160424Q The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: Cleansing the Temple: 47, 143, 4620, 11, 7602, 72, 147, 109, 2, 3117
Edit   20160417Q The Lord's Entry Into Jerusalem: 6726, 156, 158, 3735, 1009, 9045, 9311, 162, 155
Edit   20160410Q The Church is God's People: 47, 13, 89, 93, 94, 9521, 9031, 7602, 9211
Edit   20160403Q JEsus Meets Man's Needs: Healing The Deaf- Mute: 104, 109, 65, 11, 159, 158, 162, 3722, 9533, 9506, 1013
Edit   20160403M Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Healing the Deaf-Mute: 162, 9506, 104, 109, 65, 9522, 11, 9532, 9530, 64
Edit   20160327 Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Raising Jairus' Daughter and Healing the Sick Woman in the Crowd: 93, 20, 28, 33, 9037, 30, 9036, 9024, 9042
Edit   20160320Q Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Calming the Wind and the Sea: 4611, 32, 33, 34, 63, 172, 1021, 9034, 1302, 52
Edit   20160313Q Jesus Meets Man's Needs: The Forgiving Savior and the Loving Sinner - An Alabaster Flask of Ointment: 180, 183, 100, 102, 144,152, 1005, 9211
Edit   20160306Q JesusMeets Man's Needs:Review fromJan10 to Feb28: 91, 31, 9507, 9029, 180, 501, 108, 64, 20
Edit   20160306M Review: 91, 25, 11, 9021, 9031, 9029, 9522, 10, 110, 195, 501, 9531, 108, 20, 64
Edit   20160228Q JesusMeets Man's Needs: Healing the Centurion's Servant: 20, 22, 25, 30, 1000, 46, 57, 109
Edit   20160221Q Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Healing the Paralytic: 2, 9042, 9021, 9029, 9031, 31, 24, 76, 1612
Edit   20160214Q Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Healing and Cleansing the Leper: 91, 98, 144, 9021, 9024, 2828, 19, 9527
Edit   20160207M Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Lazarus is Raised: 5509, 25, 195, 110, 9507, 24, 9029, 20, 28, 95, 13
Edit   20160207 JESUS MEETS MAN'S NEEDS: Lazarus is raised: 24,195,20,25,9029,148,110,28,122,108
Edit   20160131Q Jesus meets man's needs: The Healing of the Blind Man: 47, 24, 25, 20, 110, 70, 3422, 69,68, 1014
Edit   20160117JESUS MEETS MAN'S NEEDS: Who Is Without Sin?: 26, 180, 9226, 19, 183, 53, 9031
Edit   20160110M Jesus Meets Man's Needs: The Feeding of the Five Thousand: 94, 5211, 6711, 1015, 162, 195, 90, 9507, 501, 152, 9017, 176, 110
Edit   20160110- Jesus Meets Man's Needs- The Feeding of the Five Thousand: 2827,110, 90, 31, 195, 152, 17, 194, 501
Edit   20160103M Review (2): 19, 24, 58, 9021, 9031, 9029, 25, 93, 20
Edit   20160103 Review (2): 109, 110, 9028, 6738, 9029, 9031, 94, 95, 76
Edit   20160103 Review (2): 109, 110. 9029, 9031, 6738, 94, 76, 95, 9028
Edit   20151227 JESUS MEETS MAN'S NEEDS: THE HEALING OF THE SICK MAN BY THE POOL: 24, 3738, 4611, 20, 110, 135, 9029, 9031
Edit   20151220: Jesus meets man's needs: The Healing of the Royal Official's Son: 91, 94, 9010, 9011, 76, 22, 9409, 3413, 6738, 3420
Edit   20151213: Jesus meets man's needs: Samaritan Women Meets Jesus: 91, 95, 4614, 17, 194, 2819, 141, 6738, 9028
Edit   20151213: Jesus meets man's needs: Samaritan Women Meets Jesus: 91, 146, 95, 4614, 17, 194, 2819, 141, 6738
Edit   20151206 the Truth of Christmas: 91, 146, 195, 19, 17, 9010, 194, 131
Edit   20151129 Review (1): 2202, 130, 76, 10, 66, 69, 146, 3418, 72, 79
Edit   20151122 JESUS MEETS MAN'S NEEDS: Nicodemus and New Life: 162, 134, 73, 7623, 2508, 9024, 130, 127, 3413, 74
Edit   20151115Children's Gospel Meeting: God's Calling of Zaccheus: 94, 9211, 103, 6705, 9024, 3707, 88, 76, 9042, 10
Edit   20151108 The Lords Ministry Jesus Meets Mans Needs: The First Miracle of Jesus: 110,134,135,136,9042,9026,128,76, 1022, 164, 70
Edit   20151101The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - Temptation: 70, 173, 66, 63, 69, 68, 1309, 174, 9426, 9427
Edit   20151025 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: His Baptism: 4614,6732,9023,9026,25,37,39,146,15
Edit   20151018M The Truth About Halloween: 47, 3714, 9307, 53, 9313, 9522, 2
Edit   20151018 The Truth about Halloween: 49, 52, 53, 8205, 174, 192, 173, 7619, 9305, 3424
Edit   20151011The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - Travel to Jerusalem:: 103, 4614, 7616, 125, 2823, 6732, 25, 5205, 67, 37, 39
Edit   20151004The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - Visit of the Wise Men: 103, 4614, 2203, 2819, 2821, 7616, 37, 39, 152,191,1001
Edit   20150927 THE PERSON AND LIFE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: THE BIRTH OF OUR SAVIOR: 146, 25, 1301,1001,22, 4614, 99, 64, 2202,3103
Edit   20150920 the Person and life of The Lord Jesus Christ: the Announcement: 1301, 130, 64, 22, 100, 25, 4614, 1001, 2202, 2
Edit   20150913 Person and Life: Preparation for His Coming: 64, 146, 143, 25, 1301, 99, 3418
Edit   20150906 The Prophet and Kings: Jonah Flees from God: 9026, 54, 56, 3738, 3728, 144, 180, 183
Edit   20150830 PROPHETS AND KINGS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT: Queen Esther (2): 25, 192, 171, 172, 7, 176, 178, 192, 7603
Edit   20150823 Prophest and Kings: Esther Chosen Queens: 3104, 4, 7, 10,139, , 9213, 2829, 9020, 144,153
Edit   20150816 Prophets and Kings in the OT: Nehemiah: 159, 167, 3400, 78, 178, 20, 171, 4611, 1607
Edit   20150809 Prophets and Kings in the OT- Ezra: 65, 66, 70, 6705, 9421, 9427, 3418, 192
Edit   20150802 Prophets and Kings: Daniel (5) Danielin the Lion's Den: 185, 52,171,168, 9319, 172, 4611, 2809, 184, 1013
Edit   20150726 Propherts and Kings of the Old Testament: Daniel Interprets Handwriting on the Wall: 155, 9204, 3104, 6733, 9318, 4611, 9311
Edit   20150719 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Daniel 3: 155, 3104, 158, 9308, 9311, 9313, 9317,6733
Edit   20150712 PROPHETS AND KINGS OF THE OLD TESTMENT: Daniel's Friends DeliveredFrom the Fiery Furnace: 185, 1900, 9303, 9313,9314, 9315, 4611,1612, 6733
Edit   20150705 PROPHETS AND KINGS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT: Daniel in Captivity and His Interpretation of the King's Dream: 3104, 66, 70, 172, 1612, 9307, 9305, 9303, 9308
Edit   20150628 PROPHETS AND KINGS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT: Good King Josiah: 3104, 12, 56, 65, 66, 68, 70, 6705, 9421, 9427, 3418
Edit   20150621 Prophets and Kings: Hezekiah: 107,3104; 12, 32, 2204, 3413, 4, 6732, 3419,146
Edit   20150614 Review Elishah: 20, 172, 30, 3400, 9031, 4, 9032,180, 9219
Edit   20150607 Review Elijah: 2827, 172, 4610, 33, 4611, 31, 2811, 148
Edit   20150530 Children's Gospel Meeting:Healing the Paralytic: 9002, 9031, 9029, 9021, 1612
Edit   20150524 PROPHETS AND KINGS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT: JOASH: 4,11,3400, 36,70, 37, 3102, 3418, 3722
Edit   20150517 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament:: Elisha (3): 31, 2204, 19, 4601, 172, 9032, 9204
Edit   20150510 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament:: Elisha (2): 54 , 25 , 24, 6732, 9031, 9021, 180, 9226
Edit   20150503 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Elishah (1): 20, 30, 25,172, 178, 32, 9517, 9512, 9219
Edit   20150426 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Elijah (4): 74, 9219, 5502, 7603,9535
Edit   20150419: Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Elijah (3): 1302,4611, 2822, 2818,174, 33, 7611, 31
Edit   20150412: Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Elijah (2): 2827, 2501, 3104, 173, 1613, 9313
Edit   20150405 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Elijah (1): 2827, 172, 1614, 176, 4610, 19, 148, 2811, 6702
Edit   20150329 Travels-Allotment Of The Land: 2827,64, 65, 6705, 96, 46, 7608, 6702, 1614
Edit   20150322 The Travels:Joshua's Victory and the Final Conquering of the Good Land: 24, 46,2806, 3733, 5223,3430,1302, 36
Edit   20150315 Travels: The Son of Achan and the Battles of Ai: 2827, 3705, 11, 52, 54, 56, 2806,4,146
Edit   20150308 Travels: Conquering Jericho: 158, 46, 3729, 63, 32, 28, 1302, 200, 3705, 6103, 20
Edit   20150301 The Travels: Entering the Good Land: 2827, 20,25, 8328, 8329, 6103, 9410, 3729
Edit   20150222 Travels: The Death of Moses: 13, 14, 19, 8327, 98, 6730,4000, 5501
Edit   20150215Travels:Fiery Serpents: 9042, 8308,180,8318,166, 73,174, 25
Edit   20150208 The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel: The Waters of Meribah and the Death of Aaron: 2827, 135, 3102, 5, 7603, 8308, 9522, 146
Edit   20150201Travels: Rebellion Against God's Authority: 5, 56, 66, 1013, 7603, 3722, 7602, 8308, 8317, 5205
Edit   20150125 Travels-The Spying of the Good Land: 158, 1302, 8308, 8324, 22, 20, 1600, 33, 8326, 9522, 25
Edit   20150118 The Travels: Murmuring About Their Situatiion And Lusting: 5, 56, 8308, 173, 1301, 128, 7603, 135, 3102
Edit   20150111 Travels-Molten Calf: 9002, 8315, 8326, 6719, 1614, 1602, 1302, 1612, 10, 146
Edit   20150104 The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel: The Priesthood: 2, 9313,1614, 9031, 175, 176, 9032, 9042, 171
Edit   2015/04/12: Prophets and Kings::
Edit   2015/04/12: Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament:Elijah (2):
Edit   2015/04/12: Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Elijah (2):
Edit   2015 Travels: Rebellion Against God's Authority: 5, 56, 66, 1013, 7603
Edit   2015 Travels: Rebellion Against God's Authority: 5, 56, 66, 1013
Edit   20141228 Review 1: 5512, 5223, 2807, 7604, 7, 8302, 6719, 6711
Edit   20141221 Travels: Tabernacle: 91, 1, 146, 152, 7623, 8321, 9213, 9521, 79, 2
Edit   20141214 The Truth About Christmas: 91, 146, 195, 19, 17, 9010, 194, 131
Edit   20141207 Travel-Ten Commandment (2): 51, 9010, 6711, 6702, 9530, 5508, 9522, 146
Edit   20141130 Travels: Ten Commandments (1): 1013, 8302, 8310, 8312, 7, 6702, 8315, 8316, 6719, 146
Edit   20141123Travels:God'sprovision-Food and Drink: 9501, 32, 5, 8302, 8305, 8308, 8309, 8310, 8311, 8312
Edit   20141116 The Travels: Crossing the Red Sea: 24, 45, 8302, 8303, 8322, 8308, 5, 3427, 6733
Edit   20141109 Travels: The Passover: 5512, 2510,, 2807, 7604, 5223, 6415, 6729, 1314, 2505, 155
Edit   20141102 Travels-Plagues (2): 3418, 3722, 1614, 2807, 4607, 6708, 5223, 7604
Edit   20141026 Travels-Plagues (1): 7, 25, 6708, 2201,1612, 4607, 1614, 2807, 5223, 3418
Edit   20141019 The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel: God Calls Moses in the Burning Bush: 2827, 2510, 2201, 6703, 6708,52, 25, 1614, 3403, 1612
Edit   20141012 The Truth about Halloween: 49, 52, 53, 8205, 174, 192, 173, 7619, 9305, 3424
Edit   20141005 Travels...Birth of Moses: 4606, 2510, 6715, 5212, 2812, 7605, 7
Edit   20140928 The Forefathers of the Chosen Children of Israel-Jacob, the Father of the Israelites: 2827, 23, 31, 171, 11, 3702, 3703, 32, 3731, 6732
Edit   20140921 The Forfathers: Isaac (2): 23, 31, 64, 171, 5208, 6732, 6733, 6705, 57
Edit   20140914 The Forefathers:Isaac,The promised son of Abraham: 44, 25, 64, 66,57,111,6705, 9524, 2820
Edit   20140907 The Forefathers: The Calling of Abraham: 7, 44, 190, 1007, 153, 36, 37, 2820
Edit   20140831 The Great Commandment (2) Love Your Neighbor: 7, 10, 17, 14, 13, 19, 6711,6724
Edit   20140824 The Great and First Commandment: 2827, 146, 151, 152, 3713, 6711, 8208, 147
Edit   20140817 The Tenth commandment (2): You Shall NotCovet: 1013, 2204, 2828, 193, 90, 3440, 17, 6407, 197, 146
Edit   20140810 The Ten Commandments: TheTenth Commandment (1) You Shall Not Covet: 49, 192,11, 2806, 8208, 1615, 4610, 6417
Edit   20140803 The Ninth Commandment (3): 2827, 49, 4,192, 10,11, 68,69, 70, 6719, 4308
Edit   20140727 The Nineth Commandment (2): 49, 7, 10, 11 ,6719, 4308, 3115, 6711,192
Edit   20140720 The Ninth Commandment (1): 2827, 7, 10, 11, 3115, 4, 6722, 49, 69,153
Edit   20140713 The Eighth Commandment (2): You Shall Not Steal: 2827, 9009, 1615, 1013, 195, 6711, 3115, 4, 6722, 153
Edit   20140706 Review Commandments 5-8: 8317, 162, 3115, 6711, 1607, 6407, 195, 4, 1615
Edit   20140629 The Eighth Commandment: 2827, 9009, 1615, 1013, 195, 4, 6722, 5511, 153, 36
Edit   20140622 The Seventh Commandment: 1013, 1607, 5509, 93, 6711, 3115, 6719, 6407
Edit   20140615 The Sixth Commandment (2): You Shall not Kill: 162, 5509, 3115, 93, 6711, 4605, 3436, 9226, 6722
Edit   20140608 The Sixth Commandment(1): You Shall Not Kill: 5509, 49, 95,6719, 153, 93, 162, 3115
Edit   20140601 The Fifth Commandment(2): Honor Your Father and Your Mother: 153, 9225, 9219, 6719, 8317, 5205, 5207
Edit   20140525 Review (4)-The Ten Commandments: 47, 49, 5512, 25, 6719, 3723, 100, 66, 6407
Edit   20140518 The Fifth Commandment (1) Honor Your Father and Your Mother: 9009, 148, 8208, 6719, 8317, 7603, 3115, 3722, 176, 1614
Edit   20140511 Ten Commandments Fourth Commandment (2): 49, 192, 8208, 146, 3423, 3401, 3400, 152
Edit   20140504 Ten Commandments Fourth Commandment (1): 154, 83, 5203, 49, 192, 3423, 3400, 146
Edit   20140427The Third Commandment (2): 154, 166, 1009, 83, 100, 52, 5203, 5202, 107
Edit   20140420 Third Commandment (1): 7,63,100,101,102,114,166,1009,3723,6717
Edit   20140413 second commandment.: 103,66,6719,146,72,8208,5512,58
Edit   20140406 First Commandment: 5512, 55, 5225,8316, 5203, 2823,45, 6719, 146, 6702
Edit   20140330 Review (3)-The Lord's Prayer: 2827, 195, 2823, 17, 7619, 62, 5203, 135, 1902, 10
Edit   20140323 The Lord's Prayer--A Model: Not BeingBrought into Temptation, but Being Delivered from Evil (Disobedience and Rebellion): 6726, 153, 9204, 5205, 5207,174, 195, 1902, 3401
Edit   20140316 The Lord's Prayer-A Model: Not Being Brought into Temptation, but Being Delivered from Evil (Jealousy): 1607,1013, 62, 4, 17, 1902, 7619, 173, 3730, 13
Edit   20140309 The Lord's Prayer A Model (6) Not being Brought inTemptioion but Being Delivered from Evil (3) Greed and Covetousness: 25, 66, 10, 146, 17, 19, 1902, 193, 6407
Edit   20140302 The Lord's Prayer-A Model (5): Not Being Brought into Temptation, but Being delivers from Evil (2)-Pride: 186, 1902, 1612, 7, 192, 10, 135, 9317, 3423, 72
Edit   20140223 The Lord's Prayer - A Model: (4) Not Being Brought into Temptaition: 173, 174, 186, 10, 7619, 135, 7607,1017
Edit   20140216 The Lord's Prayer-A Model:(3) Our Relationship with God and Man (2): 2827, 10, 53, 109, 3408, 183, 2823, 195, 172, 4618
Edit   20140209 The Lord's Prayer-A Model:(2) Our Relationship with God and Man: 135, 171, 7619, 3408, 2823, 180, 53, 10, 121,4, 1303
Edit   20140202 The Lord's Prayer-A Model:(1)God's Need and Our Need: 162, 171, 10, 4618, 172, 33, 6414, 1017, 7607, 6407
Edit   20140126 Review (2): 2827, 8205, 62, 69, 4620, 5205, 1614, 2201, 7602
Edit   20140119 Huamn relationships: Government (2): 2827,8205, 9215, 9219, 153, 37, 9211, 155
Edit   20140112 Huamn relationships: Government (1): 7602, 4601, 4620, 5205, 9308, 9311
Edit   20140105 Huamn relationships: Teacher(3): 69, 2201, 4601, 8308, 8322, 4620, 4300,7602
Edit   2014:
Edit   20131229 Human Relationship: Teachers (2): 167, 48, 95, 62, 69, 2201, 168, 7, 7602
Edit   20131222 Human Relationship: Teachers (1): 154, 158, 48, 95, 62, 69, 2201, 168, 7, 167
Edit   20131215 Human Relationships:Adult and children (2) Honor: 62, 133, 4, 1614, 9211, 91, 9219, 9225, 9311
Edit   20131208 Human Relationships: Adults and Children (1) Respect Older Ones: 95, 48, 62, 1614, 9219, 9225, 19, 3115, 26
Edit   20131202 Review Lessons from 9/15 -11/17: 47, 54, 37, 13, 19, 121, 114, 1602
Edit   20131124 THE TRUTH ABOUT CHRISTMAS: 91, 141, 193, 194, 5509, 120, 134, 131, 146
Edit   20131117 Human Relationships: Friends (4): 121,10, 9211, 19, 17, 9216,114, 9219
Edit   20131110 Human relationships:Friends(3): 1612, 121, 114, 4,9316,9307
Edit   20131103 Human relationship: Friends (2): 2827, 6738, 17, 19, 1612, 121, 114, 3711
Edit   20131027 Human Relationship: Friends (1): 47, 4, 6738, 17, 19, 1612, 121, 32, 114, 3711
Edit   20131020 Halloween the Devil's Holiday: 36, 8, 16, 37, 15, 11, 66, 7
Edit   20131013 Human Relationships: Brothers and Sisters (3) Forgiving: 91, 3440, 183, 3408, 6724, 6738
Edit   20131006 Human Relationship: brothers and sisters (2): Loving our brothers and sisters: 2827,49, 92, 6738, 13, 17, 19, 3730,135
Edit   20130929 Human Relationships: Brothers and Sisters (1) Cain and Abel: 47, 4, 5, 37, 6724, 13
Edit   20130922 Human Relationships: Parents and Children (2): 47, 2809, 4, 5, 133, 54
Edit   20130915 Human Relationships: Parents and Children(1): 91, 98, 3112,,39,148
Edit   20130908 Review: 6, 1011, 32, 91, 3440, 98, 3112, 146
Edit   20130901 The parable of the Great Dinner: 2827, 92, 3112, 2809, 1602, 1011, 148, 150, 146
Edit   20130825 The Parable of the Prodigal Son: 1, 92, 13, 6722, 180, 183, 91, 3112
Edit   20130820 Bible camp: 13, 3436, 3440, 3438
Edit   20130818-The Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin: 1, 2, 6, 92, 19, 3438, 13, 3440
Edit   20130811-The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant: 2827,2809,13,3408,24,32,54,91,69
Edit   20130804 The Parables: The Parable of Good Samaritan: 47, 114, 95, 98, 93, 121, 31, 96, 75, 8208
Edit   20130728 The Parables: The Parable of Good Shepherd: 135, 95, 118, 140, 6, 38, 142, 75,148, 114, 153
Edit   20130721 Review: All Creation Lessons: 1012, 9011, 186, 187, 188, 9009, 9002, 9005
Edit   20130714 Creation: Man is God's Masterpiece: 9017, 186, 187, 156, 60, 4, 10, 54, 56
Edit   20130707 Creation: The Triune God Created Man-His Masterpiece: 162, 9011, 195, 4601, 186, 187, 188, 189
Edit   20130630 Creation: The Triune God Created Animals and Creeping Things (2): 164, 61, 51, 59, 195, 1012,132, 9009, 4611, 2809
Edit   20130623 Creation:The Triune God Created Animals and Creeping Things (1): 31, 1611, 9011, 176, 4601, 178, 2816, 1012
Edit   20130616 CREATION: The Triune God Created Birds: 24, 134, 180, 179, 128, , 135, 32, 33, 197, 31, 164, 132, 60
Edit   20130609 CREATION: The Triune God Created Fish: 6726, 9001, 9002, 80, 9011,9013, 15,32,98
Edit   20130602 God created the sun, the moon, and the stars (3): 6726, 9001, 9005, 9008, 7616, 191, 8204, 157, 9002, 9009
Edit   20130526 God created the sun, the moon, and the stars (2): 49, 6726, 167, 157, 191,60, 2828, 9001, 9002, 9009
Edit   20130519 Children's Gospel: The Parable of Sower;: 187, 146, 147, 148, 66, 69, 79, 130, 3418, 5222
Edit   20130512 God created the Sun, the moon, and the stars (1): 5512, 53, 55, 80, 180,191,195,60,144,194,,3424
Edit   20130505 The trinue God created plants life: 2827,188, 58,59,60,61,9001,95
Edit   20130428 The Triune God created Land and Sea: 6726, 55, 60, 61, 165, 110, 2809, 195, 95
Edit   20130421 The Triune God Created Air and Sky: 6726, 53, 51, 55, 60, 188,1015, 9006, 9001, 195
Edit   20130414 Creation: The Triune God Created Light: 32, 159, 51, 55,2809, 59, 1015, 95
Edit   20130407 Creation: The Triune Created the Heaven and the Earth: 32, 159, 51, 55, 2809, 59, 1015, 95
Edit   20130331 Creation: The Triune and His Great Plan (2): 51,61,55,59,60,161, 4611, 2809,188, 187
Edit   20130324 Creation: the Triune God and His Great Plan (1): 135, 51, 61, 55, 59, 60, 4611, 2809, 187
Edit   20130317 Review from 2/17-3/10: 94, 153, 62, 91, 175, 2809, 1614, 3401, 4300
Edit   20130310 God's Calling in the NT: Faithful unto Death: 2827, 102, 152, 148, 139, 94, 91, 96, 32, 2202
Edit   20130303 God's calling in NT: Acquila and Perceila: 51, 63, 153, 147, 178, 175, 176, 189, 187, 188, 152
Edit   20130224 God's calling in NT: Lydia and the Jailer of Philippi: 32, 80, 160, 164, 155, 172, 95, 1612, 25, 3731
Edit   20130217 God's Calling in NT: God Called Timothy: 6726, 32, 3432, 80, 2820, 62, 2511, 4300, 5210
Edit   20130210 Review: 2827,148,142,146,7,32,24,139,34,2202
Edit   20130203 God's Calling in NT: Paul and Barnabas: 146, 2809, 34, 13, 4300, 1612, 115, 178, 1614, 3413
Edit   20130127 : God's Calling in the New Testament: In Acts Saul of Tarsus: 2827, 148, 142, 146, 7, 32, 24, 139, 34, 2202
Edit   20130120 God's Calling in the New Testament: Cornelius: 5512, 82, 93, 68, 4300, 4601, 178, 171, 2827
Edit   20130113 God Called in the NT-In Acts-Stephen: 155,146,144,72,167,174,173,68,66
Edit   20130106 Review (2): 5512, 6726, 180, 6401, 88, 76, 93, 2511, 1612, 2820, 5210
Edit   2013 0820 Bible camp: 13, 3436
Edit   20121230 God's Calling in NT: In Acts -The Twelve Apostles on Pentecost: 155, 178, 6104, 82, 167, 1612, 80, 4300, 6414
Edit   20121223 God's Calling in NT: God called the paralytic: 155, 98, 110, 114, 1615, 3714, 2809, 1612, 180, 76
Edit   20121216 God's calling in NT: Zaccheus:: 2827,144,93,76,180,181,183,3401,146,88,2202
Edit   20121209 God's calling in NT: Jesus is Calling You: 164, 93, 3401, 152, 3114, 1009, 155, 6417, 160
Edit   20121202 The Truth About Christmas: Jesus Satisfies, Not Material Things: 146, 2819, 4614, 6417, 1309, 3103, 82, 65
Edit   20121125 God's calling in NT: God Called Mary of Bethany: 2827,144,2820,1612,93,76,178,82,146,147
Edit   20121118 God's Calling in the NT: God Called Martha: 15, 36, 192, 37, 82, 2511, 147, 176, 2502
Edit   20121111 God's Calling in NT: God called Mary the Magdelene: 2827, 49, 41, 98, 91, 93, 92, 8208, 148, 147
Edit   20121104 Go's Calling in the New Testament: Judas Iscrariot-False disciple: 98, 69, 10, 8208, 72, 4, 2511, 174, 148
Edit   20121028 God Called Matthew (Levi): 91, 98, 92,144, 93, 94, 97, 2511, 147, 148
Edit   20121021 God's Calling in the New Testament Review: 82, 167, 36, 15, 35, 37, 2820, 161
Edit   20121014 Halloween--the Devil's Holiday: 49, 191, 53, 8205, 174, 3424, 192, 173, 10, 7619
Edit   20121007 God's calling in the New Testament: Twelve Apostles: 82, 167, 36, 39, 1612, 40, 176, 62, 2820
Edit   20120930 God's calling in the New Testament: In the Gospels-the calling of Simon, Andrew, James, and John to be Fishers of Men: 2827,7,2820,1301,35,37,2511,36,15,52
Edit   20120923 God's Calling in the New Testament: First disciples: 2827, 190, 153, 52, 150, 2820, 36, 82, 15, 37
Edit   20120916 God's Calling in the New Testament: John the Baptist: 158, 15, 32, 7, 2820, 1301, 3432, 36, 161, 74
Edit   20120909: Review Daniel, David, Jonah, Solomon: 37, 74, 168,185, 1900, 3418, 3419,171
Edit   20120901 God's calling the the Old Testament: God called Jonah: 158, 1605, 50, 2817, 82, 37, 74, 93, 7
Edit   20120826 God's Calling in OT: God called Daniel (3): 158, 2, 168, 185, 4618, 171, 184, 6414, 3444
Edit   20120825The Parable of the Prodigal Son:
Edit   20120821 Bible camp: 2,6719, 3115, 3101, 3413, 25, 10, 5205, 3418, 3419, 3422, 3423, 32, 6732, 146, 6733
Edit   20120819 God's calling in the Old Testament: God called Daniel (2): 190,163,171,4618,8200,168,1900,3432,25
Edit   20120812 God's calling in the Old Testament God called Daniel ( 1 ): 24, 28, 31, 3432, 25, 152, 1615, 2828, 2202
Edit   20120805 God's calling in the Old Testament God called Solomon: 190, 42,43, 152, 13, 17, 6101, 171, 25
Edit   20120729 God's calling in the Old Testament God called David (4): 158, 32, 6101, 43, 42, 1602, 190, 7, 2820
Edit   20120722 God's calling in the Old Testament God called David (3): 158, 32, 190, 1614, 3115, 43, 42, 7, 2820
Edit   20120715 God's Calling in the Old Testament - Review: 146, 2820, 24, 7, 32, 190, 152, 7617, 2202
Edit   20120708 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called David (2): 144, 146, 147,22, 23, 24, 2820,148,152
Edit   20120701 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called David (1): 124, 144, 146, 147,177,148,152,153
Edit   20120624 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Samuel: 2820,1614,500,177,4307,4300,2813,7,32
Edit   20120617 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Ruth: 1301,190, 1, 3423, 6102, 7617, 1602, 148, 150
Edit   20120610 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God called Samson: 146,142,25,147,190,7,152,180,1301,3432
Edit   20120603 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God called Gideon: 155, 25, 1302, 6713, 20, 6702, 3430, 135, 1614
Edit   20120527 God's Calling in the Old Testiment: God called Rahab: 1600, 3430, 25, 135, 1602, 1302, 3705, 6103, 37
Edit   20120520 God's Calling in the OldTestament: God Called Joshua and Caleb: 32, 25, 20, 7, 1302, 64, 3430,37 ,79, 2202
Edit   20120513 Review Moses and Israel: 47, 2201, 2807, 5223, 6729, 32, 1614, 2505
Edit   20120505 God's Calling in the OldTestament: God Called Israel (3): 24, 32, 8310, 8312, 8311, 1615, 2505
Edit   20120429 God's Calling In The Old Testament:: God Called Israel (2): 155, 6729, 2505, 8302, 5223, 6702, 4607, 45, 4304
Edit   20120422 God's Calling In The Old Testament: God Called Israel (1): 162, 36, 153, 138, 7614, 182, 93, 3736
Edit   20120415 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Moses (3): 36, 37, 153, 138, 139, 2807, 144, 5205
Edit   20120408God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Moses (2): 2820, 4607,3423, 2201, 6708, 6703, 1614
Edit   20120401God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Moses (1): 173, 191, 2820, 3423, 7605, 6715, 3430
Edit   20120325 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Joseph (5): 164,54,52,3731,3408,183,1614,32,53
Edit   20120318 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Joseph (4)b: 162, 54, 3731, 52, 53, 180, 183, 3408, 2823
Edit   20120311 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Joseph (4): 54, 2204, 56, 3731, 7, 52, 3408, 53, 180
Edit   20120304 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Joseph (3): 7, , 32, 54, 2204, 3731, 56, 3441, 52
Edit   20120226 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Joseph (2): 52, 11, 4, 135, 3731, 160, 162, 164, 143
Edit   20120219 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Joseph (1): 2827, 25, 3700, 52, 1614, 3731, 161, 7, 190, 32
Edit   20120212 God's Calling in the Old Testament: Jacob (5): 54, 11, 25, 3703, 52, 96, 3700 ,32, 1614, 161
Edit   20120205 God's Calling in the Old Testament - Jacob (4): 96, 11, 3702, 3700, 2204, 95, 52, 3731, 25
Edit   20120129 God's Calling in the Old Testament: Jacob (3): 25, 96, 54, 3702, 11, 3700, 52, 56, 3731
Edit   20120122 God's Calling in the Old Testament: Jacob (2): 49, 36, 32, 192, 7, 3702, 3703, 3731, 1614
Edit   20120115 God's Calling in the Old Testament: Jacob (1): 49, 36, 32, 193, 194, 1614, 161, 3731, 192, 7
Edit   20120108 Review: 190, 1007, 153, 3436, 146, 7, 32, 25, 2202
Edit   20120101 God's Calling in the Old Testament: Isaac (2): 2827, 146, 22, 5208, 3422, 6732, 5501, 5505
Edit   20111225 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God called Isaac (1): 94, 98, 2819, 22, 5505, 5208, 3436
Edit   20111218 God's Calling in OT: Abraham (4): 25, 32, 3422, 1007, 6732, 146, 6733, 7
Edit   20111211 The Truth About Christmas: 190, 68, 153, 146, 195, 32, 95, 7
Edit   20111204 God's Calling in OT: Abraham (3): 190, 36,1007, 68,153,95, 32, 7
Edit   20111127 God's Calling in OT: Abraham (2): 1307, 7, 190, 44, 37, 1007, 179, 64
Edit   20111120 God's Calling in OT: Abraham (1): 7,36,5205,68,153,32,37,1007,190
Edit   20111113 God's Calling in the OT Review: 162,161,10,52,159,39,192,64,153
Edit   20111106 God's calling in OT: Job: 2827, 159, 31, 33, 8308, 20, 3731, 173, 2820
Edit   20111030 God's Calling in OT: Noah; Gospel Meeting: 31, 8308, 7624, 7603, 4901, 2503, 2502, 2828, 3107, 153
Edit   20111023 God's Calling in OT: Noah(3): 2827, 2503, 64, 2820, 31, 30, 15, 192, 4901, 7, 3107
Edit   20111016 God's Calling in OT: Noah (2): 49, 167, 7, 2820, 2503, 15, 192, 144, 84
Edit   20111009 - Halloween - the Devil's Holiday: 49, 167, 7, 4, 3424, 192,173,174, 144, 10
Edit   20111002 God's Calling in OT: Noah (1): 187, 2820, 2823, 7, 4, 65, 2503, 15, 87
Edit   20110925 God's calling in OT: God Called Enosh & Enoch: 6733, 7, 10, 2820,153, 52, 39 , 190, 3118
Edit   20110918 God's calling in OT: God Called Abel: 6726, 2820, 65, 10, 6732, 7, 4, 68, 66, 153, 161
Edit   20110911 God's calling in OT: Adam &Eve: 162, 2823, 161,153, 2820, 187, 63
Edit   20110904 - The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (4): 178, 10, 4601, 135, 103,62, 90, 150, 152, 6417, 8208
Edit   20110823 BIBLE CAMP: 178, 10, 4601, 3418, 1612, 3419, 3423, 25, 157, 4619, 8308, 3102, 5512, 24, 54, 58
Edit   20110821 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus: His Second Coming (3): 4601, 3400, 4305, 1301 , 4300, 76, 18
Edit   20110814 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus: His Second Coming (2): 5512, 76, 143, 16, 3400, 4305, 4601, 4300, 18, 170
Edit   20110807 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus: His Second Coming (1): 3400, 107, 1301, 170, 6406, 4305, 63, 4300, 3108, 4601, 5512
Edit   20110731 - The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus: Ascension: 49, 76, 112, 107, 5512, 100, 101, 102, 99,160
Edit   20110724The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - Commission: 72, 6104,96, 6413, 186, 80, 77, 93
Edit   20110717The Person and Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Review: 70, 72, 3418, 4, 3111, 130, 108, 112
Edit   20110710 - The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (3): 25, 5512, 112, 108, 130, 3418, 107, 20, 172, 2202
Edit   20110703The Person and the Life of the Lord Jesus- The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (2): 20, 112, 4, 127, 172, 70, 30, 2500, 25
Edit   20110626 - The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ(1): 49,108,5512,158,1614,112,165,107
Edit   20110619 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: the Crucifixion and death of the Lord Jesus Christ (part II): 1009, 3119, 5215, 3111, 182, 195, 1309
Edit   20110612 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: the Crucifixion and death of the Lord Jesus Christ: 162, 98, 3104, 116, 5209, 92, 3111, 1014, 75
Edit   20110605 The Person and Life- The Trial and Judgement of the Lord Jesus Christ: 72,75, 5, 3419, 5215, 143, 8, 80, 3413
Edit   20110529 Person and Life of the Lord Jesus: The Lord Passes a Big Test and Peter Fails a Small One: 164,111,113, 135, 3413, 96, 114,152
Edit   20110522 Gospel Meeting: 133, 135, 93,114, 121, 94, 98, 147
Edit   20110515 Person and Life of the Lord Jesus: The Betrayal and Arrest of the Lord Jesus (Part 2 of 2): 76, 3413,93,80,102,118,82,2202
Edit   20110508 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Betrayal and Arrest of the Lord Jesus (part 1 of 2): 6, 1009, 72, 6704, 69,102,148, 93,147
Edit   20110501The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Lord's Entry into Jerusalem: 150, 72, 1009, 1, 7602, 3400, 127, 143, 3735
Edit   20110424 Review (4): 3418, 63, 2500, 1021, 3718, 34, 96, 123, 3, 76
Edit   20110417 JESUS MEETS MAN'S NEEDS: The Lord Unveils His Suffering and Death and is Transfigured: 162, 72, 93, 82, 83, 123, 103,102, 76
Edit   20110410 JESUS MEETS MAN'S NEEDS: The Revelation of Christ and the Church: 47, 93, 123, 103, 100, 3, 1, 82, 141
Edit   20110403 JESUS MEETS MAN"S NEEDS: Healing the Deaf-Mute: 3, 1009, 10, 4601, 162, 68, 102
Edit   20110327 Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Raising Jairus' Daughter and Healing the Sick Woman in the Crowd: 25, 22, 23, 28, 30, 33, 20
Edit   20110320 JESUS MEETES MAN'S NEEDS: Calming the Wind and the Sea and Casting Out a Legion of Demons: 32,33,63,172,64,2500,43,6719,34,96
Edit   20110313 Jesus Meets Mans Needs: Forgiving Savior and Loving Sinner: 180, 151, 109, 3418, 181, 3412, 3440
Edit   20110306 Jesus Meets Man's Needs Review 1/30- 2/27: 109, 58, 25, 180, 181, 4601, 1000, 2506
Edit   20110227 Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Healing the Centurion's Servant: 109, 24, 58, 64, 20, 25, 46, 30, 57
Edit   20110220 Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Healing the Paralytic: 4601, 76, 180,10, 181, 31, 23,1612
Edit   20110213 - Jesus Meets Man's Need: Healing and Cleansing the Leper: 5512,10,180,23,31,181,122,76
Edit   20110206 Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Lazarus is Raised: 76, 122, 195, 25, 24, 148, 28, 20, 108
Edit   20110130 Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Healing the Blind Man: 47, 20, 195, 1014, 70, 3419, 10, 42, 6719, 2202
Edit   20110123 Jesus Meets Man's Needs - Who Is Without Sin?: 13, 181, 180, 75, 122, 3408, 4000
Edit   20110116 Jesus Meets Man's Needs - Who is without sin?: 180,182,181,179,183,145,147,146
Edit   20110109 Revew (2): 5512; 90; 501; 1615; 30; 20; 195; 194
Edit   20110102 Jesus Meets Man's Needs - The Feeding of the Five Thousand: 5512, 90, 4601, 152, 501, 17, 5511, 194, 3419
Edit   2011:
Edit   20101226 Jesus Meets Man's Needs- The healng of impotent man: 24, 3406, 20, 30, 1615, 197, 135
Edit   20101219 Jesus Meets Man's Needs- The healng of royal official's son: 24, 25, 26,7623, 28, 30, 33, 20
Edit   20101212 Jesus Meets Man's Needs- The Samartan Woman: 193, 195, 7623, 5509, 5511, 2204, 194, 164, 134
Edit   20101205 Jesus Satsfies- The Truth About Christmas: 91, 141, 193, 194, 5509, 120, 134,131,146
Edit   20101128-Review 10/30/10 to 11/28/10: 120, 134, 3418, 3423, 6733, 2508, 2202
Edit   20101121 Jesus Meets Man's Needs - Nicodemus: 55, 59, 83, 87, 134, 120, 72
Edit   20101114 Jesus Meets Man's Needs - The First Miracle of Jesus: 76, 134, 135, 110, 1022, 164, 129, 70, 69
Edit   20101107 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - Temptation: 162, 70, 173, 66, 63, 69, 68, 1309, 174
Edit   20101031 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - Travel to Jerusalem: 4614, 125, 2823, 6732, 25, 5205, 37, 39
Edit   20101024 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - His Baptism: 162,32,112,8202,7607,95,80,1904,2202
Edit   20101017 Halloween-Devil's holiday: 191, 53, 195, 6734, 8205, 174, 103, 80, 2202
Edit   20101010 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - Visit of the Wise Men: 1001, 4614, 2203, 2819, 2821, 7616, 37, 39, 152
Edit   20101003 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - A Savior is Born to Us: 1001, 109, 4614, 6709, 153, 2203, 2202, 3103
Edit   20100925 The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - The Announcement of His Birth: 107,69,109,62,67,139,153
Edit   20100919 The person and life of the Lord Jesus Christ: 128, 1301,103,91,5210
Edit   20100912 Reviw from 080810-090510: 178,175, 3102, 42, 43, 6719, 50, 3728, 82
Edit   20100906 Prophets & Kings of the OT; Jonah: 1013, 2205, 3102, 3400, 3424, 3728, 4, 50, 82
Edit   20100829 Prophets & Kings of the OT; Esther (2) Queen Esther pleads for...: 170, 171, 172, 168, 143, 175, 176,177, 178,192
Edit   20100824 Bible camp: 178, 186, 3432, 148, 135, 10, 7, 46, 48, 53, 1013, 3417, 3102, 1612, 74, 54, 1607
Edit   20100815 Prophets & Kings of the OT; Nehemiah, a Man of Prayer: 159, 167, 3400, 78, 178, 20, 4611, 1607
Edit   20100808 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Ezra: 20, 7, 33, 62, 66, 68, 172, 178, 43
Edit   20100801 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Daniel (5): 167, 7602, 2809, 4611, 168, 172, 6405, 2506, 184, 185
Edit   20100725 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Daniel (4): 52, 6733, 3423, 3418, 185, 4, 7602, 3723
Edit   20100718 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Daniel (3): 52, 6733, 4, 53, 2809, 4611, 6734, 194, 1607, 3419
Edit   20100710 Review 6/6 -7/4: 4, 70, 3423, 3419, 52,3418, 65, 6733
Edit   20100704 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Daniel (2): 78, 185, 172, 1900, 6408, 4611, 1607, 3400
Edit   20100627 PROPHETS AND KINGS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT DANIEL(1): 25,20,32,36,28,34,6733,37
Edit   20100620 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Good King Josiah: 65, 66, 62, 69, 37, 15, 25, 6733
Edit   20100613 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Hezekiah-King of Judah: 3423, 6703, 6732, 20, 65, 8205, 7619, 52, 3419
Edit   20100606 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Joash - Hidden in the Temple: 4, 11, 36, 70, 37, 3102, 3418
Edit   20100530 Prophets and Kings of the OT Elisha(3) Poisonous Stew: 76, 24, 31, 146, 7607, 36, 32
Edit   20100523 Gospel Meeting Noah: 76, 197, 2503, 85, 3734, 4901, 79
Edit   20100516 Prophets and Kings of the OT: Elisha (2) Naaman healed of leposy: 76, 73, 87, 85, 79
Edit   20100516 Prophets and Kings of the OT: Elisha (2) Naaman healed of Leposy: 76, 73, 87, 85, 79
Edit   20100509 Prophets and Kings of the OT: Elisha (1) Helps a Widow; Raises a Dead Boy: 5512, 82, 108, 24, 65, 74, 22, 20
Edit   20100502 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Elijah (4): 143, 2502, 2506, 74, 80, 8205, 82, 65
Edit   20100425 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Elijah (3): 24, 63, 29, 1302, 31, 3733, 1602, 65
Edit   20100418 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Elijah (2): 31, 7608, 6702, 146, 29, 20, 63, 65
Edit   20100411 Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament: Elijah (1) - a Man of God: 31, 7608, 6702, 146, 1901, 33, 2804, 6407
Edit   20100404 The Travels of Chosen Children of Israel--Allotment of the Good Land: 1602, 1302, 3733, 7608, 6702, 1614, 1013, 3732,1901
Edit   20100328 The Travels of Chosen Children of Israel-Joshua's Victory and the Conquering of the Good Land: 39, 2806, 1302, 46, 2800, 5223, 3430, 24
Edit   20100321The Travels of Chosen Children of Israel--The Sin of Achan and the Battles of Ai: 159, 52, 3705, 200, 54, 180, 183, 2806, 63, 1302
Edit   20100314 The Travels of Chosen Children of Israel--Conquaring Jerico: 5512, 3729, 6103, 200, 63, 3705, 46, 33
Edit   20100307 The Travels of Chosen Children of Israel--Entering the Good Land: 32, 36, 1302, 37, 8323, 8326, 8327, 28
Edit   201002Q: God's Calling in the Old Testament-God Called Enosh: 2827, 7, 172, 52, 9308, 153, 33, 3704, 171, 135, 1013
Edit   20100228 The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel: The Death of Moses: 3104, 4611, 8323, 8326, 6719, 43, 8327, 1614
Edit   20100221 The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel: Fiery Serpents: 5, 197, 8308, 10, 159, 31, 8312, 8318
Edit   20100214 The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel: The Waters of Meribah: 11, 22, 1902, 8306, 4000, 8308, 180, 10
Edit   20100207 - The travels of the children of Israel: Korah's rebellion against God's authority: 128, 153, 5, 6732, 8308, 7624, 66, 56
Edit   20100131,The travels of the children of Israel: Spying the Good Land: 20, 25, 22, 7608, 29, 33, 8308, 8324
Edit   20100124,The travels of the children of Israel: Murmuring and criticism: 5,56,8308,173,1301,7624,128,7603,135,3102
Edit   20100117The Travels of the Chosen Children of Isreal:Molten Calf: 164,159,160, 3418, 8302, 1602, 8208, 32
Edit   20100110 The Priesthood: 32, 166, , 8302, 171, 91, 178, 176, 175
Edit   20100103 Review of Ten Commandments and the Tabernacle: 1, 32, 148, 91, 8302, 6719, 141, 8317, 180
Edit   20091220THe travels of the children of Israel: The tabernacle and its furniture: 32,7610,128,1,2,8205,195,6104,79
Edit   20091213 The Travel of the Children of Israel- The Ten Commandments (2): 158, 154, 148, 166 ,1614, 6702, 6719, 8208, 180
Edit   20091206- The Truth of Christmas: 91,141,191,193,131,8301,8309,6719,146
Edit   20091130 - The travels of the children of Israel: The Ten Commandments (1): 193,91,5210,141,191,2505,6719,146,135
Edit   20091122 - The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel-God's Provision of Food and Drink: 2827, 172, 2505, 31, 6702, 2809,2828
Edit   20091115 - The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel-Crossing The Red Sea: 3423, 7604, 6729, 6415, 2505, 3443, 33, 172
Edit   20091108 - The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel-The Passover: 3423, 3443, 5223,6415, 2505,7604,6729
Edit   20091101 - The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel-Plagues upon Egypt(2): 5512, 6708, 5223, 3403, 1314, 7604, 65
Edit   20091025 - The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel-Plagues upon Egypt(1): 5512, 31, 2510, 2807, 3403, 5223, 1314, 65
Edit   20091018 - The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel: God Calls Moses in the Burning Bush: 25, 52, 2510, 54, 6715, 65, 3403, 6708, 2201
Edit   20091011 - The Travels of the Chosen of Israel-Israel's affilication and Moses' birth: 25, 52, 54, 2510, 6715, 4607, 189, 1614, 56
Edit   20091004 - Halloween: 191,53,195,6734,8205,174,103,80
Edit   20090927 - Jacob, the father of the Israelites: 160, 163, 39, 98, 31, 33, 3430, 139, 142
Edit   20090920 - The Forefather of the Chosen Children of Israel -- Isaac: 31, 5205,69, 5208, 32, 68, 6733, 153, 6732
Edit   20090913 - The Forefathers of the Chosen Children of Israel-Abraham: 7, 44, 1007, 190, 153, 36, 37
Edit   20090906 - Review(5): 5512, 1301, 18, 3102, 63, 3418, , 82, 6401, 6104
Edit   20090831 - The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (4): 103,62,176,90,137,175,8201
Edit   20090823 - Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: Second Coming(3): 3102, 1301, 4605, 10, 4620, 4305, 4601, 4300, 18, 72
Edit   20090816 - Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: Second Coming(2): 76, 143, 16, 5512, 3400, 4305, 4601, 4300, 18, 170
Edit   20090809 - The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus: His Second Coming (1): 3400, 1301, 170, 6406, 4305, 63, 4300, 3108, 4601, 5512
Edit   20090802 - The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus: Ascension: 49, 76, 108, 112, 107, 130, 5512, 127
Edit   20090726 - The Person and Life- Commission: 2827, 3418, 6104, 6413,112, 82, 3400, 2202, 6401
Edit   20090719 - ThePerson and Life of the Lord Jesus: Resurrection (3): 49,112, 2202, 108, 130, 6404, 3418, 5512
Edit   20090712 - Review: 76,108,5512,112,1014,107,93,2202
Edit   20090705 - The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus: Resurrection (2): 49, 20, 112, 127, 172, 70, 30, 2500, 25
Edit   20090621 - Crucifixion and Death of the Lord Jesus 2: 1009, 3119, 5215, 3111, 182, 1014, 1309
Edit   20090614 - Crucifixion and Death of the Lord Jesus: 162,98, 3104, 116, 5209, 92, 3111,182,1014, 6401
Edit   20090607 - The Person and Life- The Trial and Judgement of the Lord Jesus Christ: 72,75, 5, 3419, 5215, 143, 8, 80, 3413
Edit   20090531 - The Lord Passes a Big Test and Peter Fails a Small One: 1, 7, 121, 114,119, 140, 191, 195, 178
Edit   20090524 - Review (Apr 14 - May 17, 2009): 1,3,3119,1009,40,72,148,102,76
Edit   20090517 - Gospel Meeting: The Parable of the Recovery of the Lost Sheep: 133,98,,3714,5511,140,94,100,76
Edit   20090510 - The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - His betrayal and Arrest of the Lord Jesus: 76, 3413, 93, 80, 102, 118, 82, 2202
Edit   20090503 - The Person and Life - The Betrayal and Arrest (1): 6, 72, 82,69, 40, 5215, 121, 148, 15
Edit   20090426 - The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Lord's Entry into Jerusalem: 72, 3413, 3119, 3101, 1009, 3400, 82, 93
Edit   20090419 - The Lord unveils His suffering and death and is transfigured: 156, 95, 72, 1, 76, 93, 80, 82, 83
Edit   20090412 - Revelation of Christ and Church: 47, 3, 93, 100, 103, 123, 7602, 191, 82
Edit   20090403 - Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Healing the Deaf Mute: 3,1009,10,4601,162,68,102
Edit   20090329 - Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Raising Jairus' Daughter and Healing the Sick Woman: 24, 33, 31, 20, 6104, 76, 172, 7607
Edit   20090322 - Ministry-Calming the Winds & Casting out Demons: 32, 33, 63, 172, 64, 34, 3102, 96, 2500, 43, 6719
Edit   20090315 - Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Forgiving Saviour and Loving Sinner: 58, 76, 52, 180, 97, 151,155, 109
Edit   20090308 - Jesus meets man's need: Healing the centurion: 24, 5, 58, 64, 20, 25, 46, 109, 147
Edit   20090301 - Jesus Meets Man's Need: Healing the Paralytic: 76,180, 53, 20, 121, 10, 1612, 72
Edit   20090222 - Healing and Cleansing the Leper: 1,53,32,10,180,23,31,181
Edit   20090215 - Jesus Meets Man's Need: Lazarus is Raised: 76, 25, 24, 148, 28, 20, 108
Edit   20090208 - Jesus Meets Man's Needs: The healing of the Blind Man: 47, 20, 195, 1014, 70, 3419, 10, 2202
Edit   20090201 - REVIEW 20081228 through 20090125: 76, 7, 180, 3419, 90, 501,3408
Edit   20090125 - Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Who is without Sin?: 7, 3408, 10, 42, 182, 180, 13, 3419
Edit   20090118 - Jesus Meets Man's Needs: Who Is Without Sin?: 6414, 122, 76, 92, 3736, 182, 3419, 3408, 4000, 6104, 6414
Edit   20090111 - Ministry-Feeding five thousand: 2827,3419,90,4601,152,501,17
Edit   20090104 - Review(2): 124, 76, 135, 122, 174, 111, 4601,66
Edit   20081228 - Jesus Meets Man's Need: The Healing of the Impotent man: 11, 4, 25, 20, 1615, 197, 135, 19, 17, 121
Edit   20081221 - Jesus Meets Man's Needs: The Healing of the Royal Official's Son: 64, 171, 172, 66, 68, 197, 170, 26, 28, 20, 25
Edit   20081214 - Lesson on Christmas(2): 17,146,53,135,4601,8205,111,72,25
Edit   20081207 - Lesson on Christmas(1): 155,89,80,191,150,124,142,17,53,146
Edit   20081130 - Jesus Meets Man's Needs - Samarithan Woman and the Living Water: 193, 131, 136, 135, 97, 8205, 195, 178, 122
Edit   20081123 - Jesus Meets Man's Needs- Nicodemus: 72, 134, 7602, 75, 128, 3113, 4601,192, 110
Edit   20081116 - The First Miracle: 76,110,134,135,164, 70,69,75,72,136,1022
Edit   20081109 - Person and Life Temptation: 91, 98, 63, 66, 68, 173, 69, 174, 70, 7602, 74
Edit   20081102 - review: 135,18,163,147,126,3114,1312,103,128,195,2202
Edit   20081026 - Person and Life: His Baptism: 162,95,110,45,32,112,80,50,186,2202
Edit   20081019 - Halloween - The Devil's Holiday: 162, 131, 53, 87, 25, 192, 174, 181, 5509, 3102, 7619
Edit   20081012 - Person and Life: His visit to Jerusalem at 12 years old.: 125,2823,6732,6401,3422,25,6104,128,5205,33,3734,4620
Edit   20081005 - Person and Life: Wise Men and Flight into Egypt: 4614, 1001, 6406, 6412, 3412, 72, 63, 7616, 2506, 6407, 80
Edit   20080928 - His birth: 3102, 46, 99, 103, 5209, 109, 3103, 3734, 2202, 79
Edit   20080921 - Life And Person: Announcement: 5,2,25,77,195,24,1614,5210,7617,130,2202
Edit   20080914 - Person and Life: Preparation: 76,178,144,73,100,114,97,128,165
Edit   20080907 - Review: 146,31,17,32,147,6406,8208,6732,172
Edit   20080831 - OUR RELATION WITH GOD: We Must Trust Him: 24, 25, 28, 20, 2500, 87, 6733, 6732, 172, 34, 31,32
Edit   20080824 - OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD: We Must Seek Him: 133,155,158, 6406, 37, 195, 39, 6407, 4601, 36, 153
Edit   20080817 - The Great Commandment (2): You Shall Love Your Neighbor as Yourself: 8, 4, 14,34,68,42,98,43,16,17,19
Edit   20080810 - The Great and First Commandment: You shall love the Lord Your God: 91, 95,148, 98, 147, 152, 143, 146, 5210, 197, 8208
Edit   20080803 - The Fourth Commandment (2): 146, 167, 164, 49, 152, 124, 135, 178, 3734
Edit   20080727 - The Fourth Commandment: 3104, 7, 6726, 3106, 124, 49, 192, 6412, 6101
Edit   20080720 - THE THIRD COMMANDMENT(2): 6726,7,24,131,17,107,12,154,83,100,52,171
Edit   20080713 - Review: 100, 101, 135, 103, 42, 6719, 146, 43, 1310, 72
Edit   20080707 - The Third Commandment- (1): 7, 63, 100, 101, 102, 114, 126, 166, 1009, 2202, 3723, 6717
Edit   20080629 - The Second commandment: 103, 66, 42, 6719, 43, 6704, 72, 146, 8208
Edit   20080622 - Esther: 49,107,3430,7,131,58,3731,102,135,32,98
Edit   20080615 - The Ten Commandments: (1) You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me: 5512, 3102, 45, 55, 158, 155, 6719, 5225, 8208, 58
Edit   20080608 - Our Relationships with Others: We Should not be Prejudiced: 1,7602, 13, 14, 148, 19, 93, 94, 97, 166, 6736
Edit   20080601 - Our Relationships with Others: We Should be Diligent: 199,6733,148,146,122,2502,72,31,3432,2802
Edit   20080525 - Truthful: 53, 10, 4, 124, 5, 11, 181, 56, 63, 146
Edit   20080518 - Gospel meeting: 52, 56, 162, 58, 67, 1009, 151,152, 76,78
Edit   20080511 - Preparation for the gospel: 191, 82, 152, 56, 35, 19, 4300, 76, 78, 84
Edit   20080504 - We Should be giving: 1, 3436, 1013, 194, 3412, 89, 3436, 2806, 86, 6412, 152
Edit   20080427 - OUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS: We should be Merciful!: 5511, 74, 1014,121,76,6704,19,72,92,98,2
Edit   20080420 - Our relationship with others: we should be failthful: 121,1606,2503,2813,2828,2502,4601,4607,4619,5227
Edit   20080413 - Review - Relationships, Lord's Prayer: 7602, 2823, 80, 1304, 74,4618,6401, 7619, 193, 1013, 183
Edit   20080406 - We should be Appreciative and Thankful: 162,194,31,195,193,1013,196,197,3427,135
Edit   20080330 - The Lord's Prayer- A Model: (4d) Dealing with Satan (Disobedience and Rebellion): 6732,173,4,1007,174,11,95,69,98
Edit   20080323 - The Lord's Prayer- A Model: (4c) Dealing with Satan (Jealousy): 1013,173,10,174,1902,29,31,13,192
Edit   20080316 - The Lord's Prayer-a model:(4b):Dealing with Satan (greed and covetousness): 195,25,103,66,10,146,17,19,6104,3427,193,6407
Edit   20080309 - The Lord's Prayer-a model:(4a): 25,72,6700,174,146,186,7,1612,173,185,1902
Edit   20080302 - The Lord's Prayer-a model:(3): 3102,25,7,174,173,3423,170,186,185,1612,1902
Edit   20080224 - The Lord's Prayer- A Model(2b): 7602,1,72,5501,6724,180,183,179,3408,1013,7602,1014
Edit   20080217 - The Lord's Prayer- A Model(2): 180, 5501, 53, 10, 181, 4, 171, 182, 183, 98, 1013, 7619
Edit   20080210 - The Lord's Prayer- A Model (1): 162,178,74,6414,3444,6714,7607,6407,6401,4618,171
Edit   20080203 - Human Relationships: God fearers(3): 6726,49,3117,65,6401,2823,1902,5502,5222,1303
Edit   20080127 - Human Relationships: God fearers(2): 3115,80,52,152,166,1013,1009,12,3113,1304
Edit   20080120 - Human Relationships: God fearers(1): 4604
Edit   20080113 - Human Relationships: Government(2): 49,7603,10,3115,6732,3422,161,7602,2823,1614,2825,1303
Edit   20080106 - Review of Human Relationships: 2827,74,65,3115,1614,80,3418,53,192,52,1301
Edit   170730 God's Calling in the Old Testament: God Called Solomon: 1, 2, 9211, 9225
Edit   123: 10, 69, 9212, 9213, 9209, 9207, 146, 159, 147
Edit   10112015The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ - Travel to Jerusalem:: 4614, 125, 2823, 6732, 25, 5205, 37, 39
Edit   0200223Q THE TRAVELS OF THE CHOSEN CHILDREN OF ISRAEL Entering the Good Land: 25, 3422, 20, 9410, 3729
Edit   01152012 special afternoon meeting: 97, 1612, 19, 91, 133
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