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Daniel Song 26 - God Had a Man to Pray
Daniel 6:10, 9:19

1. God had a man - a man to pray
For God to have His way;
To carry out His plan in that day;
To the land they should return!
Daniel prayed — his heart yearned.

2. Yes, Daniel prayed, the Word records,
With his window opened toward
Jerusalem, land of his Lord.
Seventy years, three times a day,
Daniel faithfully prayed.

3. He daily knelt with prayer and praising,
Thanking God for every blessing.
For God's own sake petition making.
Yes, praying boldly when
It had been forbidden.

4. Prayer lays the rails God's train can run on;
Prayer opens every door;
Prayer makes the plan of God go forward;
Young Daniel took this way;
For God's move he did pray.

(Can be sung to: Shenandoah)