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Acts Song #24 Journeying! (tune: Rondeau) The apostles journeyed on and on to many places speaking about Jesus. There were sufferings and persecutions, but many people believed in the Lord! |
1. Set apart for me both Barnabas and Saul for the work; I have chosen them this day. Sent out they were by the Holy Spirit, and so they sailed away. They announced the promised One in many cities, To the people they did the Word declare. Saul was soon called Paul, as they boldly spoke to all, And established churches everywhere. 2. Some came to stir up trouble, agitating crowds, they jealously frowned. With confusion, plots and persecution, they cast the disciples out of town! But the brothers just got up and shook the dust off of their feet And traveled down the way; Filled with joy they went, turned the world upside-down, And with boldness preached without delay. 4. Paul vigorously reasoned with them all; disputed and persuaded and enthralled. On and on they sailed; the Word prevailed! In Asia and Europe was the gospel hailed. In hardships, hunger, thirst, and cold! In dangers, rivers, robbers so bold! In prisons, shipwrecks, beaten and stoned. In the wilderness, at sea, by their race disowned. Through it all, standing tall, there was Paul With anxious care for all the churches big or small! 5. Many heard, believed, were baptized and participated in the Body life and fellowship. Titus, Dorcas, Timothy, Apollos, Lydia, Priscilla and Aquila more each trip! Paul could not go home, God was sending him to Rome, There to stand before kings and testify. Writing letters from jail, the unhindered Word prevailed, And the churches still receive supply. 6. For centuries, believers so bold have journeyed that the gospel be told; Oh, the truth is heard! Many hearts are stirred! More workers to reap the harvest then are spurred! Send us all like Paul to proclaim the joyful tidings to the ones who have never heard of it; Baptizing them into the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit! |