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BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (Sing to the Lord #96) (Tune: "Mulberry Bush") |
1. Matthew, Mark and Luke and John, Actsand then-there's Ro-mans, First and Se-cond Co-rin-thi-ans, Ga-la-tians and-Eph-e-sians, 2. Phi-lip-pi-ans, Co-los-si-ans, First and Second Thes-sa-lo-ni-ans, First and Sec-ond Tim-o-thy, Ti-tus, Phi-le-mon, He-brews, 2. James and First and Sec-ond Pe-ter, First and Sec-ondand ThirdJohn, Jude and thenthe very last Book is the Rev-e-la-tion. |