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ANSWERING GOD'S CALL BY BELIEVING HIS WORD (Rob Allison Tape: the origin of the called race) |
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph Give lessons written just for us. Their stories can prepare us to be Answering God's call joyfully. (Chorus): We are today's called race, so we Answer God's call by receiving God's word deep inside of our heart From his word we'd never depart. Abraham O-B-E-Y-E-D God's word by leaving his country. Isaac R-E-C-E-I-E-V-E-D God's Word and obtained the blessing. (chorus) Jacob G-A-V-E H-I-M- S-E-L-F to God's word too. Joseph was L-I-V-I-N-G By God's word; his dreams would come true. (Chorus) Dear children, if you would believe and Receive God's word in the same way, Then you'll be those who also know God And be useful to Him one day. (Music) Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph Give lessons written just for us. Their stories can prepare us to be Answering God's call joyfully. |